Just a calm US and Russian turn.
R02 - DutchmanD (Axis) vs Battling Maxo (Allies +14);
Kaz twlo inf
aa rus>>bel
4arm 8inf art cau>>euk
mobilize 4inf rus 4inf cau collect 20
Iwo taken with 2 inf +5 ftrs
Eve taken by walk-in
sub z62 > z59
fleet z51 > z59
3 ftrs z53 > z59
5 ftrs Iwo > z59
tnp z36 > z35
tnp z36 > z61
dd z35 > z49
2 bombers fuk > FIC
6 inf, arm Stano > Yakut
ftr France > z13Mobilization
6 subs, dd z62
inf Japan
2 inf, art IndiaCollect $64
Has $64 -
UK5 buy ftr 6inf save 1
inf uk>>nwe ( ) via z5
inf fin/arm nor/inf art nor via trn>>kar w/ca support
2inf nor/ftr z4>>bst w/bb ca support
2inf ftr cau/ftr rus>>ukr
bmb rus sbr ind
Never fails Ukr clr
bmb ind>>rus 2ftr ukr/aa cau>>euk inf nor>>fin ftr bst cv 4dd z4>>z5
mobilize ftr 6inf UK collect 20+1=21
No rush on this one. I’ll be out of town for a week. Enjoy your other games.
aaa 3@2 1@3: -
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