In terms of play for starting forces, US is a midget, so in Russia & U.S.A. versus A.H. Empire, anything the US can send to Russia would take no less than 4-5 turns(the game could be over). The best the US can do is use its navy to annoy, and, maybe take over AH home waters(maybe make a symbolic landing in Trieste).
Of course AH can spend some funds to counter the US naval effort, but, needs most of its IPCs for the land war against Russia. In all this can Russia hold until some heavy material aid comes from the states?
Round One: A.H. builds trooper, two guns, fighter, &, C. Moves forces to Northern A.H. Empire. Plan to launch massive invasion of Poland and/or Ukraine, forcing the Russians to split their forces. Also temping the Russians to try a pre-strike attack. Fleet moves to Western Med. Sea to block Allied navies for now.
Russians build 2 fighters, guns, &, 3 troopers. Fortifies equally Poland & Uk., &, uses Belarus as a gun park. Starts moving BB to entrance of Med. Sea.
U.S.A. builds transport, gun, &, fighter.
Round Two: A.H. Empire builds 4 troopers, sub., &, fighter. Moves C to Western Med. Sea(seacoast Trieste protected by original garrison). AH decides to invade Poland(to protect their flank, into Galicia 7 troopers & 4 guns join 9 troopers already there), with fighter flying in, you have 26 troopers, 8 guns, versus, Russian 14 troopers & 2 guns. Losses all Allies & Axis 8 troopers. Poland has fallen.
Russia is tempted to turn flanks and cut off AH forces inside their empire by taking out or contesting Galicia(of course that cold leave a very angry AH army inside Russia). Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, moving BB to the Med. Sea entrance. Leaving troops to guard flank in Uk.(9 troopers & gun). Russia pours forces into Poland, 15 troopers & 11 guns, &, 2 fighters, versus, AH 14 troopers, 14 guns, &, fighter. Losses air duel each side losses a fighter, Russia losses 10 troopers, &, AH losses 14 troopers & 6 guns. Such losses are hard for AH to make up, especially for a now contested province.
U.S.A. builds transport & BB, moves transport(trooper & gun) & escort C sail to Russia together.
Round Three: AH builds fighter, sub., 4 troopers. Moves more forces & fighter into contested Poland, and, sub. sails to join fleet. Also 5 troopers & 2 guns move into Galicia to reinforce it.
Combat in Poland 10 guns, 15 troopers, &, fighter, versus, Russian fighter, 9 guns, &, fighter. Axis win air duel. Losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies all but for one trooper.
Russia builds fighter & 5 troopers. Moves 8 troopers , gun, &, fighter, not into Poland, but, invades AH Galicia, versus, defending 5 troopers & 2 guns. Losses
Allies 4 troopers & all Axis, Galicia has fallen! Also moves troopers into Livinia & Belarus(leaving gun in Moscow).
Also BB arrives at entrance to Med. Sea.
US is in the situation of building up its Naval forces, should she send a landing force to eventually threaten southern AH empire(hopefully most of AH forces are stuck in southern Russia to do much about it), or, just send them to Russia directly where they might be too little, too late.
U.S.A. builds sub., transport, trooper & gun. BB goes to link up with Russian BB, transport & escort C doubles back, and, joins Russian BB, at entrance to Med. Sea(also another transport with trooper & fighter, leaves East Coast to link up also).
Round Four: AH has its flanks turn, worse it is only contesting Poland at this time, and, lost, Galicia. Also the Allies naval presence is starting to have an effect of sucking up resources needed for land combat(a slow retreat to home waters?). Builds submarine, tank, &, 5 troopers.
Moves sub. to join main fleet, from Vienna 4 troopers & fighter enters Galicia, versus, Russian fighter(which wins air duel), 4 troopers, &, gun. Losses Axis 2 troopers & Allies 1 trooper.
AH wanted to at least contest Galicia, in order to prevent a breakout to undefended Budapest, also defending Russian trooper in Poland destroyed for no lost(Poland is taken back).
Russia builds tank, gun, 5 troopers. Moves forces to secure Galacia again. From Moscow reinforces Livonia & Belarus. Into Galacia fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers, versus, AH 4 troopers. Losses Allies a trooper & all Axis.
USA builds transport, tank, &, gun. Moves from East Coast sub. & transport with trooper & gun, joining Russian BB(outside entrance to Med. Sea).
Combat 2 BB & C, enter Western Med. Sea from entrance, versus, AH BB, 2C &, 2 submarines. Losses only 2 damaged Allies BB remained, &, all Axis naval units lost.
If combat had gone AH way, precious US transports were still protected by sub. & Russian BB. A second front is needed soon, as Russia is on the ropes.
Round Five: AH builds BB & 5 troopers. Moves sub. to Western Med. Sea versus US 2 damaged BBs. Losses AH sub. & US 1 BB. From Vienna moves into Galicia, so gun & 5 troopers versus Russian fighter, gun, & 3 troopers. Losses AH 3 troopers & Russians 2 troopers.
From Poland into Livonia fighter, 4 troopers, &, 5 guns, versus, Russian 5 troopers. Losses AH 2 troopers & all Allies.
Russia builds gun & 8 troopers. Moves BB to join US BB in W. Med. Sea, &, from Moscow a trooper to reinforce Uk. & Belarus.
Also moves into Galicia fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, versus, AH 4 troopers & 5 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 3 troopers & 3 guns. In Livonia 3 troopers, gun, &, tank from Moscow, versus, AH fighter, 5 guns, &, 2 troopers. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis 2 guns & trooper.
US builds transport, gun, &, transport. Moves sub. & 3 transport to W. Med. Sea, from East Coast sub. & transport(with trooper & tank) sail to Europe.
Round Six: AH builds BB, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves trooper, gun, &, fighter into Belarus from Livonia. Also join there by trooper & 2 guns from Poland, versus, Russian trooper(losses a trooper each side). Belarus falls!
Russia builds 7 infantry. BB (no mine damage) goes to AH home waters and takes out defending BB & transport. Allies BB suffers damage.
Moves from Moscow & Uk. into Belarus gun & 9 troopers, versus, AH trooper, 3 guns, &, fighter. Losses Allies 2 troopers & all Axis. Belarus uncontested.
US builds 2 tanks & transports, BB & transport goes from E. Coast to entrance to Med. Sea(also sub. & transport arrive off Italy). Entering AH home waters, BB & 3 transports(sub. lost to mines), sea landings are made. BB makes a hit, AH two defending guns do not. US fighter, 3 troopers, &, 2 guns, versus, 5 troopers & 2 guns. Losses only one trooper each side are left.
Round 7: AH got to win, in this round, or, have to head for the peace talks. Builds sub. fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. From Vienna troopers move to Galicia, and, reinforcements 4 troopers sent to Trieste. Battle 5 troopers versus US one trooper. Losses a trooper each side, &, Trieste is completely retaken. Also 2 troopers & tank take undefended UK.
AH forces in Russia, none in Poland, trooper in Livonia, 2 troopers & tank in Uk., 1 trooper in contested Belarusa.
Russia builds 6 troopers. Damaged BB takes out AH submarine. Moves 2 troopers from Moscow into Livonia, versus, AH trooper(both sides lose a trooper, Livonia retaken!). Also from Moscow 4 troopers into UK., versus, AH tank & 2 troopers. Losses Allies trooper & Axis trooper & tank(took a hit also). Uk. still contested! Finally in Belarus 7 troopers & gun versus defending AH trooper. Losses trooper each side, Belarus is retaken!
AH has lost 2 of 4 provinces, in Russia, has one contested(with just a defending trooper), and, another(Poland) undefended.
Here AH is between a rock and a hard place(another even harder rock), with a few more troops(maybe less ships), the Kaiser would be having a victory parade in Moscow(while half of AH empire might be overrun with US forces).
Still maybe the US should have landed most of their transports on the Russian coast(thus making AH force to leave units to defend them), much less a still threat of a landing through the Med. Sea. Of course the AH navy might have broken out into the Atlantic Ocean(maybe land troopers on the East Coast, just to annoy the Americans).
A military disaster for both sides, so much lost, for so little gain, Poland & Hungary spin off to make new independent countries(regardless of what the Axis and Allies would like).
Well end this, with the closing of this round, USA builds 2 transports, 2 troopers, &, gun. Moves 3 transports back to USA, 2 transports(with 2 troopers & gun & tank) leave for AH empire. Also another transport with trooper & gun & escort BB arrives off Italy. Another sub. & transport(with trooper & tank) arrive in AH home waters. Sub. lost to mine & US BB shells & take out defending trooper. Landed trooper & tank versus AH 3 defending troopers. Losses Axis a trooper & US tank absorbed hit.
AH has 5 troopers & a gun, ready to enter UK. to drive out Russian forces, or, defend Poland(another 5 troopers & gun & plane in Vienna). Cannot take Moscow with that kind of force, much less defend at the same time its coastline.
In Europe Russians have 16 troopers & a gun, USA trooper & tank, much less 8 transports making the rounds, the war is over for AH empire.
Losses IPCs Land Axis 255 & Allies 265, Air Axis 12 & Allies 24, Sea Axis 72 & Allies 33.