By the Way i’m curious if any of these arbitary rules are in the Official game rulebook or even errata put out by WotC cause I have found none regarding said rules, and to be honest I would be a bit miffed if I went to a game con to play a game along the current rules and find out some organiser decided to throw in some rules he made up for fun.
These are NOT arbitrary rules.� They are rules created to be able to play the OTB AA games in a tournament setting.� Larry has agreed to most of these rules and in some cases written portions of them.� SO, I am not sure I understand what is there not to understand and what is so arbitrary about this…?
So lets get this straight, you make up rules along with Larry (why doesn’t he do an errata for Hasbro/WotC/AH to put out?), and yet never checked with said companies to seek approval for said rules used in an official game environment, its one thing if you were just some people getting together and playing a game, but you represent the game itself and it behooves you to abide by the game rules or any other sanctioned rules supplied by them would it not? or do you not represent them, since sorry if your were in one of my teams, you would be terminated for failure to comply with the company guidelines.
And we do…That is our point. We take the rules, clarify what is in print, select whether or not we play with he OPTIONAL rules, then add time to the game and make sure everyone is playing under the same system.
Larry really doesn’t want to have anything to do with this. Yes, he helps me when I ask. Nor does WotC. That is why they leave it up to me…Never until this year have we had a problem. Once G40 surfaced I went Larry for help and he suggested I go to Questioneer (because he does know what he is talking about when it comes to G40) and many online gamers infiltrated the new rules for the game, is when we started having problems, difference of opinions, etc.
I would love to see Gar come and run any event where he is getting players from all over the world, come in and try and play each individual game by its own rules set. How is the heck would you determine a winner? He would be laugh at or yelling at, one of the two…