@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
Looking for a game of global 1940
Just played 2 games as allies and was hoping to play a game as axis. PM if you are interested. Also I would like to play at least a turn a day, so only message if you can do this.
I’d like to play. I only played 2 games too… What time zone are you in? I’m in Europe, do you use tripleA?
I’m in Centra US. You are probably something like 7 hours ahead of me. Which works out perfectly depending on when you like to post. Ya tripple a is what it would be. You want me to start it then?
Hello - would like to play; can play a turn a day np. Do you want axis or allies? Send me your email or me send you and let’s start. Prefer Alpha 3+, Global. I know the game, but generally play in person. Trying to get some games going online.
I’m up for a game using Battlemap…