Please choose 1 casualty in the North Sea zone, thank you
In retrospect - the money is a sideshow…
The title “Winner of the tournament of Xtra Death and PAIN” is a far superior accomplishment.
In retrospect - the money is a sideshow…
The title “Winner of the tournament of Xtra Death and PAIN” is a far superior accomplishment.
that money is in escrow on right garg? :-P
Dairyqryn advances!
bracket update
due to time constraints unterhund 505/47 resign against death by dice
death by dice awaits the loser of boldutch vs ancients
unterhund 505/47 have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournamentdairy qryn defeat atlanta axis
dairy qryn awaits the winner of boldutch vs ancients
atlanta axis awaits the winner of numenoreans vs fighting mongoosesOFFICIAL UNTIL PROVEN WRONG XDAP Tournament Bracketing 2013-01-26.xls
kind of annoying that 4 of the 8 games in this round are completed and the way the bracket is setup all teams are awaiting for one of the 4 remaining games to finish before they can start.
i am not including the game that had the bye in this round.
In this tournament has anyone attacked France with Germany on round 1 and lost? I have seen it happen, done it to someone, and had it happen to me outside of this tournament. Just curious if the 1% got anyone.
I request that the remaining matches for the winners bracket be extended by 1 month. There is a long delay before the extra death bracket finishes their matches as they have to play an extra match.
I request that the remaining matches for the winners bracket be extended by 1 month. There is a long delay before the extra death bracket finishes their matches as they have to play an extra match.
yeah, i want to take my sweet time beating down the MOO-man. an extra month would be very helpful in that regard. :-D
I request that the remaining matches for the winners bracket be extended by 1 month. There is a long delay before the extra death bracket finishes their matches as they have to play an extra match.
game 31’s deadline will coincide with the end of round 7. there will be lots of time for round 7. i am guessing about 4 months. it could be more or less depending on how fast the extra death bracket rounds 5, 6, and 7 are played.
Wow even longer.
I actually look forward to the extra death championship game more than the winner bracket championship game.
I already played harder opponents than Team BoldDutch. Basically a bye round.
So wait, the loser of the championship game in the winners bracket gets to play the championship game of the death bracket? Hmmm, I did not notice this until now.
So the final match is 1 game right? Not the other bracket has to win two in a row right?
If the top bracket wins the first round. The death bracket is done.
BUT, if the death bracket wins, the Top bracket gets it’s 2nd chance!
If the top bracket wins the first round. The death bracket is done.
BUT, if the death bracket wins, the Top bracket gets it’s 2nd chance!
as it should be.
that sucks for you boldfresh. :P
that sucks for you boldfresh. :P
don’t have any idea why… if you make it to the finals, that means you will have to get HELLA lucky twice in a row to dethrone us. I know you are capable of it, but it still gives us some extra security and makes your odds even lower.
Assuming you make it to the finals :P
I can already see cow “mooping” when he loses.
as long as I can attack a capital city, I am sure I will win. :)
bracket update
Cannibalized by Fluff defeat Creature Commando’s in round 4
Cannibalized by Fluff advance to their doom being allweneedishank
Creature Commando’s have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournamentOFFICIAL UNTIL PROVEN WRONG XDAP Tournament Bracketing 2013-02-23.xls
Cannibalized by Fluff advance to their doom being allweneedishank
You are quite mistaken. It is Hank and his loving partner that is about to be cannibalized… by FLUFF :evil:
Let the games begin!