- Any Allied power, if it is at war (in US case with any power, in Russia’s case with Japan as the Dutch territories are only on the Pac boards), are free to enter Dutch territories. In those cases:
a. If the allied power that enters it while the territory is still Dutch is ANZAC or UK (noncombat move), and it is a land unit, they take control of it.
b. If it is an allied plane, or a US or Russian unit while it is still Dutch, it will remain Dutch until a UK or Anzac land unit moves into it. Allied planes are ALWAYS free to use dutch spaces as a legal landing space, provided they are not restricted as “neutral” Allied powers still.
c. If it is a combat move, and an Allied power is taking control of a Dutch territory from an Axis power, whoever captures it with a land unit takes control of it. This is the ONLY way the US or Russia can capture a Dutch territory.
2. The Bab el Mandeb in SZ 76 is not considered a strait per the rules of the game.
The only canal/straits on the board that limit movement are:
a. The Suez requires both Egypt and Transjordan.
b. The Panama Canal requires Central America.
c. The Danish Straits require Denmark.
d. The Straits of Gibraltar require only Gibraltar, but any sub of any power can pass through regardless of who controls it.
e. The Dardanelles require Turkey.