TUV Differential / Net TUV Round 1
After G1
Eastern Front: +3.2 / +20
Atlantic/WA: -13.77 / +44
Total: -10.57 / +64
After Allied1
Eastern Front: -12.52 / -6
Atlantic/WA: -13.62 / +32
Africa/Med: -4.63 / -8
Total: -30.77 / +18
Changing China’s Placement: (If you don’t mind)
Tsi: inf
UK turn 4:
London: 24
India: 29
7 mech=28
Save 1 IPC
Combat Moves:
To Yun: 2inf,2ftr,tac-Bur vs inf
Rolls: 2@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (2, 6)2@3: (5, 5)1@4: (1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
To Rho: 2inf,art-Tang vs inf
Rolls: 1@1 2@2; Total Hits: 21@1: (2)2@2: (2, 1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
Yun: Japan lost inf; UK lost inf; China regains NO for next turn if held.
Rho: Italy lost inf; UK no loss
Noncombat Moves:
To z71: 2ca,trn-z72
To Bur: 7mech,arm-Ind
To z43: dd-z39
To z28: ca-z52
To z85: trn-z52
To Bra: inf,art-z85 activate Brazil and gain 3 inf, 2 IPCs
To z106: ftr-UK lands on cv build there
To Sco: 6inf,6art,2ftr,aagun-UK
To Ind: 2ftr-Yun
To z39: tac-Cpr; tac-Yun
To Tsi: ftr-Cpr
To z10: arm-Wus load on USA trn
To Wus: inf-Bco
z106: cv
z71: dd
London: 20
India: 21 (20+1 Saved)
China updated on incorrect map:5 (4+1Saved)
Anzac turn 4:
Production: 32
1 cv=16
2 dd=16
Combat Move:
To Shn: inf-Mal; 2ftr-Bur vs inf
Rolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (3)2@3: (1, 4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
Shn: Japan lost inf; Anzac no loss
Noncombat Moves:
To Ind: ftr-Shn (will scramble with 2 UK ftrs for sea battle, or will intercept with 2 UK ftr if SBR)
To She: ftr-Anz
To z62: ftr-Sau; 2trn-z61
To Nsw: 2art,2inf-Sau
z62: 2dd,cv
Collection: 24
Notes: USA will scramble 3 ftrs vs attack on z25
UK will scramble 3 ftrs vs attack on z39
UK will intercept 3 ftrs vs SBR on Ind instead of attack on z39. If split attacks, consult.
You can do Germany, as France’s only moves will be in Africa/Middle East.
40 IPCs
10 Inf (30)
1 Art (4)
1 Arm (6)
save 0
2 Inf, 1 Mech, 1 Arm Bes to Nukr (mt)
1 Mech Hun to Nukr
5 Inf, 2 Art Egy to Trj (mt)
4 TT SZ 97 to SZ 98, take
3 Inf, 2 Art, 1 Arm Gre; 1 Inf Nita to Trj
Nukr twol
Trj twol
1 TT SZ 92 take 2 Inf Sfr to Gib
1 SS SZ 82 to SZ 84
2 DD SZ 92 to SZ 98
2 CA, 1 BB SZ 97 to SZ 98
1 SS SZ 95 to SZ 98
1 Inf Nita to Sfr
1 Fig, 1 Tac Sita to Egy
1 Inf Sfr
3 Inf Egy
6 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm Nita
26 + 15 NO = 41 IPCs
56 IPCs
1 SS (6)
10 Inf (30)
5 Art (20)
save 0
India missing production?
India: 7 mech added as built
France turn 4:
To Ken: inf-Con uncontested
New Map
1 Inf Arch to Nen (mt)
1 Inf Nov to Bel (mt)
Nen twol
Bel twol
1 Tac SZ 109 to Wgr
1 Fig Wgr to SZ 109
1 Inf Eir to SZ 109
2 SS SZ 110 to SZ 109
1 Inf SZ 98 to Egy
13 Inf, 2 Art, 8 Arm, 1 Tac Bes to Nukr
1 Fig Bes to Trj
1 Fig, 1 Tac Bes to Wgr
17 Inf, 5 Art, 1 AA gun Epl to Nukr
1 Fig, 2 Tac Epl to Wgr
15 Inf, 4 Art Pol to Epl
1 Inf Bal to Epl
1 Inf Vyb to Nov
8 Inf, 3 Art Kar to Nov
8 Inf, 2 Art Ger to Pol
1 Inf Wgr to Ger
1 SS SZ 110
2 Inf, 1 Art Nov
6 Inf, 4 Art Ger
2 Inf Wgr
47 + 15 NO = 62 IPCs
I’m going to post USSR, but I’d like Andy to approve a few changes. I want our 2 mech and 2 armor in Ura not Novo. I also need to ask if he wants the air force in Rus or Bry. Finally, I want to leave an inf in Rus, he may not. If this debate affects Japan, just wait for his answer. If it doesn’t, do Japan and we will have it resolved before I do USA.
Also, if I understand correctly: Italy will not be able to blitz past the empty Sukr because the complex is a unit and prevents blitzing. Germany will be able to if Italy has it first.
Russia turn 5:
Production: 32
8 Mech=32
Noncombat Moves:
To Bry: 14 art, 37inf,aagun-Sukr; art,15inf-Rus
To Rus: 3ftr,2tac-Tim
To Ura: 2mech,2arm-Yen
To z91: sub-z109
Rus: 8 Mech
Collection: 28
Approved. I know why you did it. The argument may go either way, but more importantly, we won’t lose Russia through luck this way JJ.
And yes, Italy can’t blitz through the factory, they have to stop there JJ. Found it in the rule book.
Er….quick edit to Germany’s turn, if it’s alright -
Fleet in SZ 109 will move back to SZ 112, and bring the infantry from Eir to Wgr.
On the Atlantic map it’s tough to see those bombers in Wus - kinda important. :lol:
I’ll leave one sub in SZ 109 and SZ 119, and the other two subs go to SZ 110.
With that movement I’d bring the transports in SZ 127 back to SZ 112.
I don’t believe any of this affects Russia’s turn. No dice were rolled, so this should be alright.
I’m sure you guys noticed this before…but it really wasn’t visible during Germany’s turn.
This is up to your approval since I made the mistake…but this would be a bit game-breaking if I hadn’t noticed it. :lol:
Here’s an updated map; feel free to make any edits to Russia’s turn as you’d like. Thanks guys.
Good save, I am glad you caught it. Sounds good man, no worries. No changes for Russia. Don’t really see how it will affect her.
Beware the bombers!
Now you know why I moved 4 bombers to Wus. Good catch.
We’ll have to move the USSR sub, I planned on the fleet being sunk. We’ll leave it in z109.
Actually, make that z88 so we can maintain threat on z92.
Here is the roll for z109 that you dodged
Rolls: 10@4; Total Hits: 810@4: (3, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 4, 4, 2, 3)
God, that would have sunk it all, what would you have hit?
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 3@4; Total Hits: 42@2: (6, 2)1@3: (3)3@4: (5, 4, 3)