Two studies link childcare to behaviour problems…

  • Source :

    I think the earlier study mentioned in this article was referenced in a previous thread on this website.

    I believe the results of this study are worth looking over. However, I bet it gets little coverage in the media. Facts are better buried than fought.

  • '19 Moderator

    I have a question if anyone would care to enlighten me.

    Just how do you rate “mother’s sensitivity”?

  • EJ, I completely agree with that article. So many kids that I’ve seen come out of daycare or something similar seem to act dramatically differently as opposed to those raised by their parents. However, it’s not always reasonable to assume that children can be raised at home, since there are so many cases of single-mothers, no relatives, etc. But I think given the option, parents should work harder to prevent their children from having to spend their days inside a strange building in the care of someone they don’t even know. :(

  • DS,
    I know that everyone cannot avoid childcare. However, some could leave kids with grandma and grampa, sister or sister-in-law. This is family and more often trustworthy than a childcare institution.

    I have friends who leave their little ones in childcare for up to 12 hours a day five days a week(60 hours a week.) If the child sleeps for 8 hours a night(or more), that’s another 56 hours. This leaves them with 52 hours(168 - 60 - 56 = 52) to be with their kids. School can take much of the same time away from family.

    Leaving kids with strangers who have an Asssociates Degree(2 years education in many locales) is not the best option in most cases.

  • LOL, it’s ironic. Just as I finished reading this post, I got in the car and the talk show host was talking about the exact same article. He had callers on who were from daycare centers and apparently, they blame the parents for not raising their children normally. :roll:

  • The problem seems to be that “normal” has become abnormal in today’s US society!!

    Some women exhibit hate toward mothers who stay at home. Many look shocked when they meet a stay at home mom or hear a woman speak proudly of being one.

  • disobedience as a behavioral problem….
    …the “free” and “brave”? Aren’t that synonyms for disobedience?

    and D:S, EJ, maybe i should send you a black-white-red flag some day, seems like you woul dhave enjoyed living uner Willies rule.

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