I’ve been looking to play G40 but haven’t really found anyone. Let me know if you want to play that too.
AA50-41 Spring (2012) Tournament rules/discussion/results
I forgot, I want to note this as well. I sent a follow up PM on 9/13 and have not heard back. I’m assuming he’s really busy.
Busy as I’m currently, you might give him a week or two more, since I do not really have time to play right now (but my schedule will be better in 3 weeks).
Sounds good. I’m actually going to have limited access from around 9/25 to 10/5 myself.
We can see how things stand after the maybe the 6th or 7th of October.
tyzoq beats bas in triple a
Sounds good. I’m actually going to have limited access from around 9/25 to 10/5 myself.
We can see how things stand after the maybe the 6th or 7th of October.
Less games going on, so I can play when you’ll be ready. If you did not get any more news from EB of course !
Soundcrescent wins against Gargantua in Triplea
Sounds good. I’m actually going to have limited access from around 9/25 to 10/5 myself.
We can see how things stand after the maybe the 6th or 7th of October.
Less games going on, so I can play when you’ll be ready. If you did not get any more news from EB of course !
I have not heard back from EB. So I’m going to call it. I had to call my league game with him as well.
I won the bidding on Aug 25 (Allies +11) and no G1 since.DM over EB (battlemap). forfeit.
I should be good to start this week.
Who starts bidding in Rnd 3?
1st player listed starts bidding:
Abattlemap Bracket
Round 3
(1) Yoshi vs.
DutchmanD/Battlingmaxo vs.
TripleA Bracket
Round 3
Ksmckay vs.
(4) Soundcresent–------------------
(3) Tyzoq vs.
(2) Zhukov -
Use T03 for triplea thread designations
Use R03 for battlemap
Dutch over Maxo
Looks like it is DutchmanD vs. Ksmckay in the other semifinal.
If you haven’t already DD, you can start the bidding.
Soundcrescent wins against Ksmckay in Triplea.
Is the other semifinal going on?
Can start the bidding.
Good luck guys!
Tyzoq (Axis) wins vs. Soundcrescent (Allies+8)
Battlemap (semi final game)
Yoshi (Allies + 11) over DM
dairyqryn advances
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