When reseaeching it say all unit get +1, should this be read as all exsisting units gets an auto upgrade? It also says reseaeched weapons must be built in major factory, so you can no longer build “normal mech” in a minor factories for the rest of the game?
1939 Map - Jeremy's Variant with Set-up Charts 2.0 In Development
MOD: I suggest this be moved to new 1939 GLOBAL Forum
Ok. Anything to add?
2 IPCs infantry? Wouldn’t they be TOO cost effective?
I’d never get 1tank over 3infs
Don’t know 39 enough to offer anything, but thanks to this separate forum, learning it should be more convenient.
Jeremy, I am about to learn Global war 1939, is your d6 variant better than the d12?
Jeremy, I am about to learn Global war 1939, is your d6 variant better than the d12?
Not “Better” just more familiar as it is D6.
I am still working on this in my free time.
I have decided to go with the 2 IPC Basic Infantry. You can purchase a LIMITED number of ELITEs (Paratroopers/SS/Commando/etc) per Nation for 3 IPC.
More detail soon…. -
2 IPCs infantry? Wouldn’t they be TOO cost effective?
I’d never get 1tank over 3infs
Agree Noll
If the infantrie cost only 2 nobody will buy a tank for 7irony on
but if you want to change, i have a great idea, why you didn’t also can change the name into Risk
irony offSorry but ithink it will only make, well… did you know the zergling from starcraft ?
Been working hard on this. I have decided to add “optional” WW2 Leaders (Hero Units) to the game also.
Just to make it even more EPIC.
Stay tuned!
I am still working on this project. In final playtesting.
Here are a few ROUGH cards
I’m digging the special Charles De Gaulle leader. :-D
Except, Charles de Gaule never said “Viva.” That is not French. He said, “Vive.” When he said “Vive le Québec libre,” in Canada in 1968, he instantly became persona non grata and was promptly evicted from Canadian soil, never to return. Not a very loved man in Canada as he is associated with the nascent separtist movement in Canada, which the Canadian government continues to deal with to this day.
Bump. Some people may like this idea and or use it as a model for house rules or variants of thier own.
Except, Charles de Gaule never said “Viva.” That is not French. He said, “Vive.” When he said “Vive le Québec libre,” in Canada in 1968, he instantly became persona non grata and was promptly evicted from Canadian soil, never to return. Not a very loved man in Canada as he is associated with the nascent separtist movement in Canada, which the Canadian government continues to deal with to this day.
Thanks for that. Those were just mock-ups for playtesting. I will find a better quote for the final version.
Any update on this?