Gargantua vs. Grasshopper at FMGC 2012

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Does anyone know if we can find some cheap motel near the site ?

    I sent your question, and a list of around 10 others to FMG… he’s working on them with his ‘team’.  I’ll post the answers as soon as I have more details.

    Also… Before I roll the dice, I should have my teams third player CONSCRIPTED.

    was very frustrating not being able to make it last year. Will do all i can to be there in april 2012 to play global and meet some real people from

    AP… when will you know/be-able-to-confirm you’re going to make it?

    And would you be interested in aligning with the forces of Gargantuan Evil, and Superior Organization?  Whether we roll Axis OR Allies?

    My team will have distinct advantages… I assure you. :D

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I think I’ve waited ALL MY LIFE to crush a bunch of kids from TO.

    :D  :evil:  :D

  • Sponsor


    I think I’ve waited ALL MY LIFE to crush a bunch of kids from TO.

    :D   :evil:  :D

    Enigmatic Decay is our goon…. He will no doubt, deal with with all your sh*t talk in his own way (ha ha ha).

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    I work with criminal scum all day long (Who are my friends), and my roomate is ex JTF2.  I think I’ll be alright :D

    Infact I’m really looking forward to it! :evil:

    Put up yer dukes!


  • '10


    AP… when will you know/be-able-to-confirm you’re going to make it?

    And would you be interested in aligning with the forces of Gargantuan Evil, and Superior Organization?  Whether we roll Axis OR Allies?

    My team will have distinct advantages… I assure you. :D

    Well, i will make it for sure. Was only a question of budget.

    And yes, i’ll be clearly willing to be part of the Gargantuan forces !


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Our Name is dependant on which side we will play.

    Tenessee Titans


    (Yet to be Named).

    And the die roll is…

    DiceRolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (4)

  • Sponsor



    I work with criminal scum all day long (Who are my friends), and my roomate is ex JTF2.  I think I’ll be alright :D

    Infact I’m really looking forward to it! :evil:

    Put up yer dukes!


    That was awesome, now times that by 14+ hours. Enigmatic Decay makes your scum buddys look like Harvard graduates.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    1>3 you are the Axis
    1>6 we are the Axis

    Shouldn’t 1>6 read 4>6  lol?

    Well I think that means WE are the allies.  I was kind of hoping to unleash my German darkside Personally :D  But they’ll likely be time for a re-match after the Titans get ROUTED. :D

    This is going to be a good game…

    We can begin private deliberations at once!

  • Sponsor


    1>3 you are the Axis
    1>6 we are the Axis

    Shouldn’t 1>6 read 4>6  lol?

    Well I think that means WE are the allies.  I was kind of hoping to unleash my German darkside Personally :D  But they’ll likely be time for a re-match after the Titans get ROUTED. :D

    This is going to be a good game…

    We can begin private deliberations at once!

    (yes, I meant 4>6, sorry)

    The Toronto Titans are the Axis. So be it…… Rave havoc, and let loose the hounds of war.

  • '10

    Closer to the Event I will post directions and Hotel info…. no worries!

    I will see if a local Motel/Hotel will offer a discount for attendees if we recommend them.

  • YG is right! You have no idea the depths of my scumary, (you like how I just created a word there). When your this evil you can do poop like that. I also eat your scummy friends for brunch (yeah there not scumfull (another new word) enough to deserve a breakfast and or lunch devouring). So their stuck with being a brunch-time appetizer.

    Also YG I will use whatever nation you feel I am best with. We will no doubt get in another 1 on 1 match before April.

  • Dont forget to let the people from the states know that they will need their pass port

  • Sponsor


    YG is right! You have no idea the depths of my scumary, (you like how I just created a word there). When your this evil you can do poop like that. I also eat your scummy friends for brunch (yeah there not scumfull (another new word) enough to deserve a breakfast and or lunch devouring). So their stuck with being a brunch-time appetizer.

    Also YG I will use whatever nation you feel I am best with. We will no doubt get in another 1 on 1 match before April.

    You’re so crazy Decay…. I should be arrested for letting you out of the house to get all scumified in Oshawa (I can’t believe you busted out the brackets (inside) the brackets). OH SNAP!.

    BTW… You will be playing Japan.

  • What did I get myself into…  :roll:  Figured it’s only proper to drop in on my teammates and opponents and introduce myself.  I’m 12 years old (a lie) and I’ve never player Axis and Allies before (also a lie).  I was hoping this would be about the Civil War (Russian Civil War).  :?  By the way, the Tennessee Titans are a garbage team and that was a forward pass.  You know what I’m talking about…

  • Sponsor

    Don’t let his post history fool you, Pasalades is a killer, and will be our sniper in the Germany slot (although, it’s true that he’s only 12). With a surgeon like Pasalades, a tyrant like Enigmatic Decay, and an assassin like myself…. our team is stacked.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Your three vs mine

    Only one theme song is fitting.


  • Sponsor


    Your three vs mine

    Only one theme song is fitting.


    Agreed, very fitting.

    Come to think of it, there is one thing in this universe that would make my withdraw from this game… and that would be to watch Cmdr Jennifer and Mantlefan square off in a one on one table top match. I would also make a killing scalping tickets for it.

  • YG…. Your lucky I didn’t use a third bracket within a bracket, a fourth or even a fifth. Come to think of it, if you don’t watch your mouth, I might just attack you in our FMGC 2012 game or crap in your corn flakes (Now come on, who is that evil only me!)

    as for a theme song… From us to you…

  • Sponsor


    YG…. Your lucky I didn’t use a third bracket within a bracket, a fourth or even a fifth. Come to think of it, if you don’t watch your mouth, I might just attack you in our FMGC 2012 game or crap in your corn flakes (Now come on, who is that evil only me!)

    as for a theme song… From us to you…

    What have I told you about posting during breakfast? It’s like Ricky “the dragon” Steamboat and Super fly Jimmy Snuka asking George “the animal” Steal to join them (just don’t eat the (game) table (this time) you crazy basterd).

  • '10

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