• On 2001-12-19 18:20, Anonymous wrote:
    The best advice is to not build industrial
    complexes in asia with any of the allies. Take it from me I have played this game for
    8 years and have never lost a game. Figure out how to geographically use your allied
    forces together. Yes the allies may have more
    teritory to guard but they have the ability
    to uniguely cordinate forces for defense and
    rapid counter attacks ( 3 0n 2 ). The key for
    the allies is overwhelming cordinated firepower. Once again I have never lost with
    eaither side. Hope you can begin to use this
    new strategy. Good Luck!

    It does sound like you need to find some more competative people to play against. But you do give good -though general- advice. Coordination is the key for an Allied victory, and logistics are their biggest challenge.

  • And you can never say Rommel is the best. Why? He lost.

    But everyone loses sometimes. I highly doubt that the first few games you played you never lost. I consider myself a master player and I still find people who could whoops me 20 times over. Get away from this board if you want to lie like that.

  • Romel lost, but so does everybody else once eventually.
    (Napoleon, Cornwallis, Romel, Lee, Sonewall Jackson, Forrest, Mead, Santa Anna, to name a few)and Anonymous will sooner or later (there is such a thing as really bad luck…(it happens to everybody once in a while))
    Everybody has bad days (Stonewall Jackson got accidentally shot in the head by one of his own soldiers!)

  • Patton didnt lose :wink:

  • Rommel was murdered by Hitler. Patton’s “accident” in the Black Forest probably was also, but for different reasons.
    They both lost.

  • '19 Moderator

    Jackson was shot in the shoulder and died of comlications, a .50 cal slug has a way of creating compications that way.

    Rommel commited suicide to spare his family.

  • “Ones own experience is nothing more than his own knowledge of the mistakes he’s made.”

    With that said, everyone loses, I mean EVERYONE! From GI JOE’s, to five star Generals, everyone has lost something…not one military mastermind has ever gone without a defeat of some sort. They may have lost a battle, but they won the war.

    And as for Mr. Anonymous…I apologize for him, as he suffers from “little man syndrome”, he cannot help himself from the lies he believes to be true. You see, in the “little man’s” world, he believes himself to be the biggest, baddest, tough-ass…but then WHAM!..reality hits when his mommy calls him for his afternoon nap.

  • Hi,

    Hopefully we can keep this site going in

    a positive direction. Doesn’t sound like

    Major Damage “Daniel Ferruccio” wants to

    but hopefully he will come around so that we

    can all benefit from this site. The fact is

    I have posted anonymously because I haven’t

    taken the time to read info regarding user

    name. I just recently finished up with

    a semester in college and am finally done

    with being president of my college

    fraternity. So I have been very busy but was

    eager to get into some axis and allies. My

    name is Gavin Perkins and I apoligize for

    not posting my name earlier. To clear up

    a few things though I started playing the

    game against my self until I was ready to
    play others. This is why I didn’t loose in

    the begining. You might question this but

    try it some time and be honest with both
    sides because you will see things that you

    never have before. Everyone of you have made

    some good points about why people loose. Like

    being on your best at all times is difficult.

    I agree with that and that is why I play when

    I can devote my time to a game. I play tuff

    competition with guys who have played the

    game for years and are intelligent people.

    I will email anyone who is interested in a

    game. Also I am big into History and
    especially WW2. If I recall right Rommel was

    defeated by a LARGE ALLIED force that

    Montgomery got credit for. I think Rommel’s

    supplies consisted of nearly 90 percent

    allied equipment. What would Rommel have been

    like if he had Patton’s supplies? MOST

    historians agree that Rommel was unsurpassed

    as a military tactician. By the way Blood and

    Guts lost at war games to another general.

    Guess who? Patton said, and I quote:

    "Rommel is the MOST magnificent Son of a

    Bitch" Rommel literally wrote the book on

    warfare and Patton subscribed.

    It is good to see that you are a

    patriot. We should set up a big game!

  • I know it’s a little late but it sounds like you need to find some better compition. I find losing to be very valuable in bettering my play, you don’t know what you’re missing.

  • sorry, I was mis-informed on the Romel part, but my point was: everybody loses!, everybody has bad days, Badluck-it happens.
    Furthermore, I used to think I was All that at chess because I could beat (every time) my dad, my mom, my siblings, my friends, everybody!, but then, I played one game of chess at the MSN gaming zone, and then another, and another, and another, and many more. I lost every time. I have not yet won a game of chess outside of my immediate family.
    My point is: losing is good for you. If you’ve never lost, then well-you don’t know what your missing to be able to look back and see “oh, I really screwed up there” or “wow look at that awesome strategy that guy used there, have to remember that one” or “everything went perfectly, how did I lose?” To me, I try to win, but if I lose then
    1. they are most likely better than I am
    2. they know something I didn’t know, but now I probably do.
    3. They enjoyed playing me and will most likely play me again to help me get better
    4. They saw my errors and will enjoy pointing them out to me.

    Also, I played, and still play chess, RISK, Axis and Allies Europe, Axis and Allies (classic) (don’t have pacific yet, maybe for christmas), and checkers with myself. I agree that this does improve you. But, there are some really good strategies for all these games that you would never think up on your own, (or think “that would never work”). I used to think that any first turn Russian attack would be stupid. I didn’t used to realize the purpose of risking a 15 ipc bomber on a SBR for a 5/6 chance of destroying a random amount of money six dollars or less. I especially hope you (Gavin) respond to this because I am wondering if there is a special way to play yourself that causes invincibility.

  • What do you mean by a special way? I have

    played many people who feel that they were

    very good at the game and they weren’t in my

    circle/network. So yes I have played many

    people. Also let me clarify being undefeated.

    This means that I haven’t lost when I play

    as the axis or allies against another person.

    However, I was paired with a person before

    and we lost as a group. The key for me is

    complete command and control of one side or

    the other. Yes I do think that you see many

    different ways or viewpoints when you play

    against your self. I would advise all of you

    to try it. Give me some feed back. I saw one

    person that mentioned playing the game in

    later rounds as a key to success. This is

    true. It is also true that the style of play

    makes a significant difference in later rounds.
    The axis and the allies must be played with

    an understanding that regardless of tactics

    the styles for both sides are different.

    That style is determined by the 3 on 2
    countries. I will brush up a little bit

    and set up a game with one of you. I am as

    eager to play and learn as you all are. Gavin

  • Being a good soldier requires defeat. You must learn from your mistakes.

    The reason Napoleon lost is because he thought he couldn’t lose.

  • Gavin,
    If you and a partner lose to someone else, that is still a loss
    If it weren’t then I am undefeated as well (I have never played alone on a side, except maybe once or twice)
    Also, I totally agree with playing myself when I have time, Its good to practice. Last time I played myself I learned about how to really annoy Japan.
    What I meant by “Special” was maybe to look at it from a certain viewpoint. (like, go America first with axis and see what allies can do)

  • I can hadbly belive that these anonymous guy has not lost. I have a group of friends and have been playing for a while. Normall y I win like 45% of all of my games. When I play outside my group of frieds I normally have a 90% win ratio. Whats the lesson Winning or loosing means nothing, it all depends on the quallity of your opponentes. Well I do agree that the key for a Allie win its to coordinate all of the available fire power.
    When I play with the allies my overall strategy its the following:
    Russia most hold, these its eassilly done by massing all of the infantry in Karelia. UK must consentrate its first efforts in Africa. UK can eassily destroy all of Germanies troops in Africa on the second or third turn. USA must consentrate all of his efforts in harrasing Japan. All US troops must be moved to India.

    well, my email adrress its hector@ufm.edu,gt for players in Guatemala

  • Sorry to be another Anonymous user but was reading this thread and just had to jump in with both feet. While Mr. Anonymous might be a very good player I also find it very hard to believe he has “never lost” but that is not why I am posting. I feel (as if you all care) that no matter how good the plan or its execution it really dose all just come down to the dice. I know that a well executed plan can go a long way moving you closer to victory but how many games have you played when the “Big” attack comes (35 inf, 15 Armor, 5 planes vs 45 inf, 1 AA or something like that) you get the King of the Crap rolls and get less then 10 hits and WHAM!! the defender rolls some GOD roll and hits like 25 or more times. This of course swings the game totally against your. Who could for see it? No one, and that is my point. No matter how good you are, how many years you play, how good your plan all it takes is a few bad rolls and that is all she wrote. Yeah you could say that everyone gets good and bad rolls in every game but I am talking about the “KEY” rolls in the game when you say “Well this is the game” So let me ask you what percentage of the game do you think is:

    Your PLAN
    Your DICE

    I think it is 60/40. So just like any of you Great Leaders of Men I to have an a**hole … I mean opinion.


  • Bottom Line is that I have never lost one

    on one. All of your responses don’t shock me.

    I have played games that have gone over 64

    rounds. I have played games where the battles

    include over 250 Inf and over 60 tanks not

    to mention numerous aircraft. Things that

    have kept my combat record alive are the

    choices I make. When I play I have to be

    in a specific mind set. I won’t play at the

    drop of a hat. This is a game and because it

    is a game I can choose to go to war at any

    time unlike real Generals and soldiers so

    quit acting like it is real and maybe you

    will do better also. Patience is a virtue!

    If you choose to respond to this try not

    to make statements or ask questions that have

    already been clarified because it becomes

    redundant. I will do my best to accept a

    challenge when I can spare the time with

    school and all. To be more specific I play

    the original version and the 2nd edition

    rules. That is all that I play and all that

    I will play. I don’t worry about my record I

    just play the game. I could care less when

    I loose I just find it amazing that many

    people find it hard to believe that I haven’t

    lost. Look forward to hearing from you!


  • Your statements may be true…or maybe not. Your opponents may be die hard’s…or maybe not. We are not here to tell you what you know is false, we are only here to be critics, observers, and learners…

    But what I would like to see from you, is your views on other posts in this discussion board…what are your insights in the strategies we all debate on. Show us the light. Intrigue me, delight me with your wisdom. I’m dying to know…

    I eagerly await your views…

  • I will have to agree with Damage on this one. Lets say you are the Axis player give use a run down on lets say your first 1 or 2 turns. Take in mind possible losses (or in your case maybe not). Please do not cop out with a post saying that you do not want to give away any secrets for I am sure we have all seen pretty much everything that could happen at least once.


  • Fair Enough! I’ll put some right now.

  • I was hoping that you would give a bit more details then that last post.

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