• Sponsor

    Choices are below…. 3 votes for 3 days.

    P.S: If you wanted an old suggestion added for the next poll, you need to resubmit it after page 25 in the Delta+1 thread.


  • Sponsor

    NA’s (Mantlefan)

    “NA’s (National Advantages) will be included in AAG 1940 Delta +1 as an optional supplementary rule. Examples of NA’s (not those that would necessarily be used in the Delta game) can be found here: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75890/19941790/?pg=last

  • Sponsor

    New Axis Victory Conditions (Cmdr Jennifer)

    The Axis powers can no longer win the game via collection of victory cities.  To win the game the axis must control 2 major capitols or 1 major capitol and 3 minor capitols.  Capitols are listed below:

    Major Capitol:  Moscow
    Major Capitol:  Washington D.C.
    Major Capitol:  London
    minor capitol:  Paris
    minor capitol:  Calcutta
    minor capitol:  Sydney

    Effect on the game:  This would require London and Moscow pretty much, or Moscow and France + India + New South Wales or London and France + India + New South Wales.  In other words, you pretty much have to play a global game to win with the axis, not turtle on one board and play to win on the other.

  • Sponsor

    Change of Victory Cities (Cmdr Jennifer)

    Each victory city you have conquered (ie was originally owned by the opposing powers) you gain 3 IPC a round.  
    Japan cannot collect this until at war with England, Australia and/or America.

    Since the victory condition change, previous post, this would still encourage people to attack victory cities.

  • Sponsor

    Fighting tigers can be replaced (JimmyHat)

    If at the beginning of a CHinese turn there is an american ftr in China, and the Fighting Tigers have already been destroyed, then China can ‘appropriate’ the US ftr and turn it Chinese at the end of China’s turn.  (esentially that ftr has to sit around a turn doing nothing)

  • Sponsor

    Emergency Conscripts (Young Grasshopper)

    If Japan attacks the Soviet Union, Russia may immediately place up to 6 infantry units on any original Russian territory\s they control (Pacific board only).

    If the Soviet Union attacks Japan, Japan may immediately place 6 infantry units on any original Chinese or Japanese territory\s they control.

  • Sponsor

    USSR IPCs (Zallomallo)

    Japan only receives half (rounding down) IPCs from Russian territories, until Moscow is taken.

  • Sponsor


    Could you put this under “NA’s” instead of what’s there? The text under it wasn’t actually my description. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

    “NA’s (National Advantages) will be included in AAG 1940 Delta +1 as an optional supplementary rule. Examples of NA’s (not those that would necessarily be used in the Delta game) can be found here: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75890/19941790/?pg=last

    It would be hard for people to know what they are voting on with what is up there currently.


  • i dunnno if mantlefan voted so we should allow him to vote when he returns.

  • Sponsor


    i dunnno if mantlefan voted so we should allow him to vote when he returns.

    I know that he did, we were the first two to vote, and we each voted for each others idea. I’m not positive but unless someone comes forward and says that they were voter #2, than we can only assume it was him.

  • Not certain, but it might have been me.  I voted for emergency conscripts soon after the poll was posted.

  • Sponsor


    Not certain, but it might have been me.  I voted for emergency conscripts soon after the poll was posted.

    Than maybe he didn’t, but I’m not going to run a 3 day poll for 2 weeks or who knows how long, it was his fault for getting booted, that’s my opinion.

  • I’m just saying if he comes back on afterwards and says ‘i vote for whatever’ we let it count.

  • @Young:


    Not certain, but it might have been me.  I voted for emergency conscripts soon after the poll was posted.

    Than maybe he didn’t, but I’m not going to run a 3 day poll for 2 weeks or who knows how long, it was his fault for getting booted, that’s my opinion.

    fair enough.

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