• This is the best topic I’ve seen in a while, well done YG!
    I totally agree with your idea and think that anyone can post their remedy for world domination but far too often there is no meat to the discussion. This method gives people a chance to observe the strategy phase by phase and then critique or try and counter it as they see fit. In my experience anyone claiming to totally demolish their opponent in less than 6 rounds is either lying, playing a weak opponent, dealing with someone who surrenders too fast, or has one hell of a horseshoe up their @ss

    On a secondary note, it is spelled colour (hehehehe) and,

    I love your dice mind tricks. My friend is what we’ve coined a “pre-roller” what that means is…. he picks up the dice and roles them all, selects the 1’s, and 2’s and then makes his actual role with those dice. He is always fair about it and will either say he is only pre-rolling or roll the dice in a previously discussed pre-rolling location like inside the box rather than outside (when it’s considered his actual role). I find it really funny but he gets results this way? who knew? I only got frustrated when he started pre-rolling his pre-rolls! enough is enough!

  • Sponsor

    Clyde, thanks for your thoughts.

    To answer some of your comments, ya it’s a big risk letting the 110 ships escape into the med, but Germany needs to identify what their hurt factor is (destroyers on their subs), and how much wop ass they have in their can (available air units). Sure I could lay out a plan to hit everything except 109, but I wouldn’t be able to discribe the landscape after such expansive battles, and I’m not so agressive that I risk putting myself behind the 8 ball during the first hour of a 12 hour war.

    As for southern Italy, only 3 tanks from southern can reach (no mechs), and although I agree that Germany should take it (and they will in G2), I am simply trading a territory for better odds and less combat rounds in Paric and Normandy. Italy is a mess and I feel that it is broken, because unless the UK poops everything out the Suez, they are screwed. Haven’t figured out yet how to play them when the UK puts the squeeze on (I will post my UK#1 blueprint later tonight) because I find that it can be suficating to Italy even without the 110 ships after them.

    I’m thinking for Germany, they should forget Russia for a while and go all out to kill the UK and save Italy, but not all in the first round.

  • Sponsor

    E-deca, I’m so pumped about our game this Saturday, can’t wait to see your G1. BTW…. No pre rolling your pre rolls.

  • F*** ME! I never knew you were young grasshopper T. that is hilarious I couldn’t remember who you were on here but I would have never guessed. The best part is…. I was strongly considering using a variation of your G1 on this thread against you on Saturday. I guess a massive adjustment is necessary. CLASSIC! LOL

  • Sponsor


    F*** ME! I never knew you were young grasshopper T. that is hilarious I couldn’t remember who you were on here but I would have never guessed. The best part is…. I was strongly considering using a variation of your G1 on this thread against you on Saturday. I guess a massive adjustment is necessary. CLASSIC! LOL

    That is classic, wouldn’t it have been hilarious if you used this strategy to a Tee, and I would ask “where did you learn that”, and you reply “a master genius who goes by the name, young grasshopper” and I say “Luke …… I am your young grasshopper”. Minds would have exploded all over the game room.

    That’s ok, you can use it, and I suppose you will be spying on my allied blue prints as well… I welcome it because I want to know if it’s beatable. Besides, it’s only fair since I’ve got about 5 games of +3 under my belt and this is your first crack, but I should be reluctant because you are a very strong challenger (no bargains this time).

  • Sponsor

    Would anyone else care to put together a G1 blue print?

  • Customizer


    As we all know,…that for every great move there is (or will be) a great counter-move.  And that is what makes this Axis & Aliies game so GREAT!


    And BTW, I believe the main focus of most G-1 strategies should encompass:

    1.)  Enough force to Anihilate Paris(quickly).
    2.)  Take out MOST of the UK Navy, priority being given to Killing the Transports and DDs.  
          As it’s practically impossible to cover all of the objectives without spreading
         yourself too thin some “compromises” or “decisions” have to be made irregardless
         of Germany’s ultimate objectives.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    Our group once played a very interesting game where the German player’s main effort was simply to “stay in the game” until Japan grew much larger and while Italy grew more powerful in the Med and Africka.  Basically NOT trying to invade London or attacking Russia.  Just killing the UK Navy and buying many Subs for “Allied Head-Aches”.  Once the Japanese had swelled to a huge size and Italy was stable the IPC income was practically balanced between the Axis and Allies then the “War was On” for the Germans, too.  It was interesting.  I must admit that the American player didn’t respond well to this German strategy.


    YG, have you checked-out the “Allworkandnoclay” thread yet???

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor



    Our group once played a very interesting game where the German player’s main effort was simply to “stay in the game” until Japan grew much larger and while Italy grew more powerful in the Med and Africka.  Basically NOT trying to invade London or attacking Russia.  Just killing the UK Navy and buying many Subs for “Allied Head-Aches”.  Once the Japanese had swelled to a huge size and Italy was stable the IPC income was practically balanced between the Axis and Allies then the “War was On” for the Germans, too.  It was interesting.  I must admit that the American player didn’t respond well to this German strategy.


    YG, have you checked-out the “Allworkandnoclay” thread yet???

    “Tall Paul”

    Absolutely incredible detail and care in the craft…. Best painted units I have seen so far, breathtaking, I would be afraid to play a game with them.

    I am very intrigued by the idea of consolidating the European axis for a few rounds, but the window of opportunity closes quickly on the axis in general, so a defensive strategy like this would need a lot of planning.

  • Customizer


    Absolutely incredible detail and care in the craft…. Best painted units I have seen so far, breathtaking, I would be afraid to play a game with them.

    “Allwork” is a professional artist.  I guess that explains his awesome talent.

    I am very intrigued by the idea of consolidating the European axis for a few rounds, but the window of opportunity closes quickly on the axis in general, so a defensive strategy like this would need a lot of planning.

    The Germans were only “un-offensive” for two turns.  During the first two turns they concentrated on killing the UK Navy and also took out some UK Air Force units on defense.  They were also able to purchase several Infantry to shore up their European defense against the Russians.

    And the Italians cleared and consolidated the Med.  It was “interesting”.

    I think ANY strategy would benefit from either a good deal of thought/planning, or a thorough understanding of the game,…preferably BOTH!

    You should think about this as a strategy and “blueprint” your own thoughts for it.  I believe you’ll also see it’s potential.

    “Tall Paul”

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