LHoffman, well written and excellent points.
I read the article about John Bolton. I get that the US constitution is primary over foreign policy choices, but that has been flexible in the past. The jest of the article to me suggested sometimes the US has to just act in the fact of European inertia on important issues. If I have that wrong, well…. I think often the US does have to take the lead and should ‘bend the rules’. But it does come at some cost. But pragmatic countries will not squawk about good choices. However, good choices require constructive criticism to hone them.
The other article “Assessing Globalization: Benefits and Drawbacks of Trade and Integration”. I’m not sure how that relates, but a good read. The US economic system has generated a great deal of wealth and has inspired people world wide to come and join that system. Now many people can enjoy the system while staying home. More people have been lifted from poverty in India and China via economic growth than from the 'West’s efforts for a century.
Sovereignty. Yes, any country should never influence the choice of executive leadership, Supreme Court apointees and members of Congress, and the corresponding versions in respective countries. It’s a pity we all so easily hand this over to business but not foreign countries.
Canadian conservatives would be middle of the road I think for US politics. Everything for the most part is slanted to the left here. Our country has some great advantages. Some disadvantages are our small size and fractured economic structure. We have more free trade Province to USA compared to Province to Province. Our companies need to amalgamate to get economies of scale, all sectors except for our 5 official full service BANKS. Our lefty socials rules about financial control seem to have made us the envy of the world in that sector anyways.
I have always said the US has been by far and wide the best example of a country in the #1 world position. But there are always areas to improve and without feedback and metrics, this is pret near impossible for any entity.
On environmental and labour laws. It would be that tough at all. It is easy to ban products manufactured by slave or child labour. I do believe existing laws could be enforced. I think new laws could be drafted to prevent unsafe or unfairly (read dumping laws) manufactured goods. OK, legal issues aside. Why on earth doesn’t any organisation run commercials showing the worst of what the Chinese do in order to undercut our values so as to beat us in world trade? To an extent, natural economic forces are forcing up the labour costs in China. If they had to manufacture according to our environmental/labour laws or not sell those products here period…would create a level playing field. I don’t think it bullying to say, “Here are the rules, let the best company win but let the cheaters be punished”.
Some countries and areas have a natural advantage. Locally, they make ice wine. I’d like to see California do that. We on the other hand can only grow oranges inside a greenhouse and they would cost about 20 bucks each. Our local wine industry is a good example of proper economic strategy. Initially, it was a closed market so we could compete with California for cheap wine. Local grape growers were not exposed to the market, but a good old socialist state system protected them. So, don’t compete with California for industrial scale wine production. Use local and imported skills, move up the food chain in products and sell higher quality products. 20 years later, the Niagara wine industry and their ice wines are world famous.
OK, you and I don’t agree on environmental laws. I have seen some first hand evidence of the results. I live and grew up along the great lakes. As a kid I never caught gobies or heard of zebra mussels. I would have love a law that FORCED ships that were in fresh water in europe to flush their ballast tanks in the ocean with salt water before coming into my fresh water lake and dumping species from Europe or other freshwater bodies into my lake.
Zebra mussles
Currently some southern US states are fighting northern US states and Canada against some environmental laws to fight this sort of thing, such as the asian carp coming into the great lake system from US waterways. So, this is now an example of a foreign country trying to interfere with US sovereignty to do as they please inside their own country. This is the kind of example where yeah, we in Canada know the argument, nobody can tell you what to do. Well, technically true, yet, when these asian carp enter the great lakes and the US could have help stop it but…didn’t…
An example of success was the US-Canada efforts to curb acid rain. Most of the effects of US sulfur emissions from coal plants without proper scrubbers were inside Canada.
Obama et al. on the XL pipeline…yeah not too happy about that one. I am an ‘environmentalist’, but am no tree huger. But I do say if you cut them, you replant them, in fact you have a long term harvest plan. The oil sands product is not the cleanest oil due to extraction/refining issues, but it is better than coal.
Newt Gingrich would probably be best for Canada’s interests of the current crop, he is an intelligent yet a very flawed man.
Views on public health care are interesting. The Canada and US system are so different, and yet both groups tend to like their system intensely. It’s a pity some grown up couldn’t take the best of both systems and make it work.
On the trade thing, any time one country is selling far far more of its stuff compared to buying has got to be bad. It should be a self correcting system however. China sells stuff to the US, gets US bills. Can’t use US bills internally so must sell them for Chinese currency held by other countries. Eventually lots of US dollars chasing few Chinese notes causes US currency to fall, China’s to raise thus causing US goods to be more attractive and Chinese goods less thus bringing the system back into balance. But the Chinese abuse this and we let them get away with it. I am all for fair trade and a rising boat for all folks.