• By the end of J3 is when Japan will be making 60+. When playing myself Japan never made above 68, and last turn Japan made 60 even. Next turn Japan is expected to make around 68, but that is the last time and then Japan is going to be down to the 50’s and even lower.

  • Sponsor


    By the end of J3 is when Japan will be making 60+. When playing myself Japan never made above 68, and last turn Japan made 60 even. Next turn Japan is expected to make around 68, but that is the last time and then Japan is going to be down to the 50’s and even lower.

    Original =$26
    Peace NO =$10 (another reason why you can’t make $60+ by J3)
    New territories captured =$? (can you list them for me?)

  • Sure no problem. 6 chinese territories (this is minimun as first 2 rounds you are facing China alone). kwangtung +3, french indochina+2, shan state +1, phillipines, Java, borneo, celebes, sumatra+17 all together. So that’s 55 in territories +5 for No’s This is also the minimum grasshopper. I am not taking into account possible russian territories and more chinese territories or even taking malaya on t3.

  • Sponsor


    Sure no problem. 6 chinese territories (this is minimun as first 2 rounds you are facing China alone). kwangtung +3, french indochina+2, shan state +1, phillipines, Java, borneo, celebes, sumatra+17 all together. So that’s 55 in territories +5 for No’s This is also the minimum grasshopper. I am not taking into account possible russian territories and more chinese territories or even taking malaya on t3.

    That would mean that your entire fleet is spread out over many different sea zones, in order to take all those islands in J3 (before J3 takes away your peace NO and gives the US $20+ a round or two earlier). So how can you protect 4 or more small fleets or lone transports scattered over 4 or more sea zones which happen to be within range of my entire US fleet in zone #54 and ANZAC fighters and ships in zone#56 or 57? How can you do all this and still keep the Philippines until round 7?..… never mind, don’t answer any more of my questions. I will watch your videos and find out for myself.

  • I’ll have to put up my video to show you, but bassically I had only 2 large fleets. One fleet had a carrier cruiser in it and the other was my huge fleet in phillipines. US couldn’t attack this fleet even with a joint attack with anzac help. I blocked with 2 destroyers. I ended up loosing 2 transports with Japan on anzac and US T3.

  • Zombie thread back from the dead . . . . too bad roc’s doesn’t seem to have logged in in over a month. Did he ever post that video or detail what he was doing w/Japan?  :evil:

    YG, I thought this was an interesting strategy for USA. How do you feel about this strategy now? The rules have changed some and I’m assuming you’ve played more then the 2 games you had when you originally wrote this out. Did japan ever do anything to throw this off. Is UK able to do enough to stop/slow down Italy/Germany while US is concentrating in the pacific?

  • Sponsor


    Zombie thread back from the dead . . . . too bad roc’s doesn’t seem to have logged in in over a month. Did he ever post that video or detail what he was doing w/Japan?  :evil:

    YG, I thought this was an interesting strategy for USA. How do you feel about this strategy now? The rules have changed some and I’m assuming you’ve played more then the 2 games you had when you originally wrote this out. Did japan ever do anything to throw this off. Is UK able to do enough to stop/slow down Italy/Germany while US is concentrating in the pacific?

    Good question and YES, I still use the sea zone off Queensland as a staging zone. The reason being is, the Jap fleet needs to move south weather to take India, the Dutch islands, or the Philipeenes, and when they do, the US can maneuver in all directions from there.

  • YG:

    You ever consider an AB on DNG on A2?  It puts Anzac 10 IPC Ftr purchases the rest of the game in position to help your mop up concept.  Granted you can continue to funnel then into a reclaimed Flip.  DNG is less exposed to Japanese purchases placed on Tokyo or in SZ6.

    I think a NB works better due to the places you can reach from DNG with a NB. Pretty much anywhere from SZ19 down to SZ39 and everywhere in between.  This is especially nice with Anzac spending 10 IPC / turn on a TT + Inf to keep funneling into Japanese holdings on the mainland left undefended which extends from Manchuria all the way to Calcutta.  Anzac suiciding a TT but removing Japanese territories is a good trade IMO, especially in combination with your attrition strategy regarding USA and Japan.

  • Sponsor



    You ever consider an AB on DNG on A2?  It puts Anzac 10 IPC Ftr purchases the rest of the game in position to help your mop up concept.  Granted you can continue to funnel then into a reclaimed Flip.  DNG is less exposed to Japanese purchases placed on Tokyo or in SZ6.

    I think a NB works better due to the places you can reach from DNG with a NB. Pretty much anywhere from SZ19 down to SZ39 and everywhere in between.  This is especially nice with Anzac spending 10 IPC / turn on a TT + Inf to keep funneling into Japanese holdings on the mainland left undefended which extends from Manchuria all the way to Calcutta.  Anzac suiciding a TT but removing Japanese territories is a good trade IMO, especially in combination with your attrition strategy regarding USA and Japan.

    Interesting, I will have to look at my board tonight and think about that one.

  • My Anzac suggestion:

    No purchase, Save 10.
    Take DNG with 2 Inf on TT.
    NCM 3 Ftr to DNG
    NCM 1 DD 1 CR to SZ45
    Collect 10 IPC

    Purchase AB, Save 5
    Retreat TT to SZ54 (UK will send its BB with it)
    Place AB on DNG
    Collect 10 IPC if not at war.  Collect 15 IPC if Malaya was taken, else collect 20 IPC.

    Purchase 1 NB if not at war.
    Purchase 1 NB, Save 5 if J2 took Malaya
    Purchase 1 NB, 1 TT, 1 Inf if Malaya was still under Allied control
    DOW on Japan if not already at war
    NCM TT from 54 to DNG, drop off 1 Inf, 1 Art
    NCM DD and CR to DNG
    Collect either 15 (Malaya lost to Japan) or 20 (Malaya is still under Allied control).

    Note that a US1 purchase of a NB placed on Johnston Island gets the entire US fleet to DNG at the end of US2.  The opportunity cost is definitely going to be either a BB or CV from the US1 purchase plan you have, but if India runs its BB to Queensland on I1, it can join up with the US fleet to make up for the lack of BB.

    Further, with J3 looking at full Allied fleet at DNG with 3 Ftr scrambling over it you create plenty of situations for Japan to contemplate.  You can reach a Jap fleet off Calcutta on US3 if you please.  You can reclaim the Philippines on US3 and reinforce your fleet there with a Anzac Ftr landing after you take it.  You can reinforce the US landing on the Philippines with 2 Inf from Anzac later or you can use the process I described for Anzac to shoot units all across the mainland.  Anzac can even try to take/take back if Japan took it and still land its 3 Ftr on the Philippines.

    The US or Anzac can take the Caroline Islands as well if left lightly guarded or even send 2 Inf, 2 Art and its fleet to fun places like Kiangsu or Kwangtung and remove a VC from Japan as early as Round 3/4.  There is definitely something fun about the US landing 2 Inf, 2 Art at an undefended place, then Anzac reinforces it with 2 Inf and 3 Ftr in the same round.  Especially when you consider the next round the US can get an IC on it and shortly thereafter Anzac is reinforcing that landing with more Inf.  Whoops, an IC on China mainland held by the US on Turn 4 AND there are 6 ground units covered by 3 Ftr?

    Something else to remember in your grand scheme of things:  If Japan does attack Russia and decides to put some TT or lightly guarded fleet in SZ6 your Bombers can reach SZ6, hit those ships and then land in a Russian controlled Buyant-Uhaa.  Of even more interest is that if you do take a place like say… Kwangtung, the next turn the US Bombers can reach SZ6 and land there as well.  Japan probably won’t see that coming, I sure didn’t.

  • Those ter you’re talking about all would revert to Chinese/UK control and US would not be able to build any IC there. The only two territory US could build an IC on are Kor and FIC  . . . kor would be a bad idea that early in the game for obvious reasons.

    I don’t know about basing fleets in sz45 that early in the game either unless the IJN is way out of position. At least there’s a counter in sz26 for any IJN move against sz54. Not so much against sz45. Anything the allies cobble together that early CAN be taken out by Japan and it won’t be pretty. I’m with YG and willing to trade ships w/Japan. I don’t think the balance of power at sz45 will make it worth losing all that hardware without a good counter setup. A Japan move against DNG will be free of reprisal except maybe a couple air and I doubt they’ll do enough to make it worth it without better numbers.

    Now you’ve given japan a GREAT staging ground in the south pacific. Now Japan can successfully threaten both India and NSW from one location. Sure the allies could throw out some blockers to prevent either move, but the Japan will have the initiative until they’re forced back to the Philippines by superior USN might. The only downside is being two moves away from sz6 and any builds.

  • Sponsor

    It’s interesting and I will have to look at it, but my first concern would be the combined $30 in new bases when the Pacific allies already start with tons with the opportunity to get more in the Caroline Islands. But it may be good in emergency situations when you see Japan doing something sneeky.

  • Let me set the stage then:

    Japan is going for India Crush - Ending its turn with the majority of its aircraft and fleet in SZ36 and Kwangsi.  It has TT in SZ6 staged to move into a NB on say… Hainan.

    US1 ended with a NB on Johnston Island.  It combined its fleet in SZ30 and retreated its SS and DD to SZ54.
    India ended its turn with its BB running to SZ54.  It ran its Ftr to Guam and has 2 CV staged off W.USA

    Anzac took DNG and didn’t buy anything.  It has 3 Ftr and 2 Inf on DNG, but Japan has no ground units on TT close enough to land there unless it gives China back the Burma Road.

    Now as J2, what do you do?  
    India Crush is wide open and the US is staging off Anzac.  It even gave you a free run into Philippines with only 2 Inf on it.  Deal with the fleet later, consider sending units to the Philippines.  No Convoy threat on SZ6 - perfect!

    Anzac does have a DD and CR sitting off DNG with a TT, but thats not too relevant, they are probably buying a BB or CV and maybe going after Java or Celebes.  Besides, they only have 2 Inf on the TT and those Ftr can’t reach anything important - well maybe a stray TT you risked to take a DEI?

    Do you want to Convoy India or do you want to collect as many IPC as possible for taking Calcutta?  Do you move your fleet forward?  Maybe make a landing on Malaya or just go straight for the heart of India and take out NO objectives later (more money if you let India keep Malaya)

    Banzai!  You hit both Kwang and Flip, taking both with no losses.  You grab FIC too so Anzac can’t land Ftr there trying to hit your ships you plan to stage in SZ36.

    US2 buys 3 Bombers for W.USA.  DOW on Japan!  Moves its CV w/ 2 Ftr (fly the other from Guam and leave the TacB in the Air in SZ30), 1 BB, 2 CR, 2 DD, 2 SS and 2 TT to DNG.  The two CV from US1 stage in SZ30 and accumulate aircraft from Hawaii W.USA and the Tac left behind.  The CR from SZ28 joins the fleet there.

    India continues its Turtle with max Inf.  Things are looking good for the Crush.

    Anzac… wait buys an AB on DNG?  Hmmmm… thats interesting.  Let me count the fleet there…
    1 CV w/ 2 Ftr, 2 BB, 4 CR, 3 DD, 2 SS, 2 TT AND now 3 Anzac Ftr to scramble.  DNG also now has 4 Inf, 2 Art on it. Hmmm.  Decision time.  What is in range?  Ships in Flip - Not many.  But most of my fleet is still in SZ36 and SZ37.  Okay this looks better.  But wait, India is there for the taking… do I crush India or not?  If I do, the Allied fleet can land anywhere north of SZ36 and I can’t reach them if I take India to counter it.  Hm… or I can go after DNG now before those two CV arrive.

    That is the Jist of it.  Do you want to lay out your fleet on DNG and give up India crush?  Possibly, but you don’t have a NB to work from meaning you are stuck going back to the Caroline Islands with your surviving ships.  Even worse is that your aircraft on Kwangsi cannot reach DNG unless you have a AB on it so you are squaring off Fleet versus fleet - and the US has a fleet in position to mop up ships if you do in fact attack the DNG fleet.  The only unfortunate thing is that the US2 3 Bomber purchase cannot reach DNG on US3.

    No matter how you cut it, its the perfect trap.  Japan can go after DNG - which gives India some breathing room and probably denies it from Japan for the game.  Any surviving fleet is subject to a US counter that consists of 2 CV, 1 CR, 3 Ftr, 1 Tac, 1 Strat.  Japan is going to start taking heavy losses that it cannot replace.  Anything left after that limps back to the Caroline Islands to hopefully repair - but the damage is done - the US fleets are sleeping with the Japanese fleets it cannot replace.  All by the end of US3 and all the US did was purchase 2 CV, 1 NB and 3 Bombers…

  • @seththenewb:

    Those ter you’re talking about all would revert to Chinese/UK control and US would not be able to build any IC there. The only two territory US could build an IC on are Kor and FIC  . . . kor would be a bad idea that early in the game for obvious reasons.

    I was just suggesting Manchuria to provide clarity of how valuable (read far reaching) a NB is for the allies on DNG - especially paired with Anzac TT suicide trips.  Take away IPC from Japan, give it to the Chinese.

    The more logical location is to take Kwangtung following the J3 India Crush (if it happens).  You get yourself a NB to work from that the main Japanese fleet off India cannot reach.  In particular, you are then put in range to meet up with your CV from Johnston Island on US4 in the Caroline Islands.  So even if Japan goes after Calcutta, you take back Kwang, land the US forces there.  Anzac reinforces with Ftr and now Japan cannot do much to remove them for a turn or two.  I don’t recommend leaving the Anzac Ftr on DNG once the fleet leaves.

    If Japan goes to take DNG on J4 - and the US took Kwang… the Allies have the following opportunity:

    US2 Bombers can reach it and land on New Guinea from W.USA.  The Allied fleet from Kwang can reach it, any ship Anzac built can reach it, the US fleet in SZ30 can reach it.  If Japan moves back to Hainan (maybe builds an AB there?)  The Allied fleets merge on Round 4 back on DNG and Anzac’s scramblers return to it.  Now the US has 3 CV with aircraft on it and it has 4 Bombers on Hawaii, has 3 Anzac Ftr scrambling on it and Anzac has built a NB there that allows the Allies to reach all across the Pacific and chase down the Japanese fleet while the Allies start the process of convoying Japan to death.

  • Yes I ended up posting the video. On youtube under


    Grasshopper have you ever played a game by yourself? Trying to build a ton of fleet with Japan? Seeing how it stacks up against US navy? I still haven’t been able to beat Japan out of phillipines until T8 at the earliest as the allies. This is with throwing 100% of US income for 8 turns in the pacific, which means the axis always win in atlantic. I am thinking the better strategy is to just stall in pacific and defeat Germany and Italy.

  • @theROCmonster:

    Yes I ended up posting the video. On youtube under


    Grasshopper have you ever played a game by yourself? Trying to build a ton of fleet with Japan? Seeing how it stacks up against US navy? I still haven’t been able to beat Japan out of phillipines until T8 at the earliest as the allies. This is with throwing 100% of US income for 8 turns in the pacific, which means the axis always win in atlantic. I am thinking the better strategy is to just stall in pacific and defeat Germany and Italy.

    Are you playing LL?

  • TripleA

    UK pac is the answer to EURO axis after a KJF… that’s why people do KJF. Japan shutdown… ok uk pacific you make 22-30 right? ok that is what russia was making before he went down… you go hold egypt down till usa supply train shows up. don’t worry anzac got yo back. japan makes 0 from naval bombard… it can be so sick sometimes.

    I don’t like the aa gun buy. also I tend to buy strait inf for uk1, because I sink the hell out of italy. I don’t care if I get sea lioned. Gives usa something to do in the atlantic, because I tend to buy some mech for russia anyway. so the turn london is nabbed i got romania hold and can hit the other adjacent to russia spots.

    Which is why I never really minded sea lion so much. russians bank hard. i save persia for them to blitz too, I always do that russian income thing in iraq/persia and if i can get the two italy territories in east africa, I do it too. just 3 mech all i need to start banking. get a bomber to bring down there so 2-3 mech inf 1 bomber kills 1 ethiopia guy or w/e unless uk has it.

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