@Spitfire Id be interested in helping you create such a setup, however wouldn’t such a scenario be more easily implemented using the HBG 1914 Map or a custom map?
Anybody ever play..
anybody ever play Europe at War?it’s an expansion of the Xeno games World at War.i bought it.it’s faily interesting.poland hasn’t been taken,germans have to do that.and when they do,Russia gets a lot of territory.italy Bulgaria and a lot of other axis minors are in the game.and there are the magniot and the other line.between france and germany.if anyone has this game i would love to play a forum game.or pbem game
Sounds cool, I will have to look for it.
there are the magniot and the other line.between france and germany.
I guess you mean the Sigfried line.
you must mean the siegfried line.