• I have been playing a Game based on this set up with 2 differences.

    1. I placed the ANZAC in Italy and the Japanese in Germany. Also the DEI are free game for everyone.
    2. People get the NO’s of the country they are in the position of (ex. Japan would recieve the German NO’s) Also Germany dosnt get any NO’s but dosnt have the split economy the UK did.

    What a crazy game! :-D

  • Customizer

    So “Germany” gets the entire 45 IPCs to spend at either London or Calcutta?  That can make them really strong locally.  I imagine London would be nearly impossible to take now, yet Calcutta may suffer.
    About the DEI, does “France” (in Japan) still get the NO if they capture all 4 of the DEI?
    Sounds like a fun and wacky game.  You will have to let us know how it comes out.

    I just did the set up for kicks, but now I think I would like to try this out.  Maybe later.  Right now I’m in the middle of a game trying out Young Grasshopper’s new NOs from the House Rules thread.

  • Its pretty crazy!
    France does still get the NO for capturing the DEI as they need every penny they can get! The united east-west German economy is strong, but Germany (in the UK) isnt as undefeatable as you might think. The problem for Germany is that the French are a total power house in the east! Not having to fight China or really worry about any threats from across the western Pacific, the entirety of the French Army is driving towards India and it will take everything Germany has to just hold on! Also the UK (in the soviet union) is sending their forces south into the Middle east to try to cut off reenforcments to India comming from German africa.

    The unexpected problem comes from Japan being in Germany position. There is a J1 strike at the US everytime, as well as an attack on the ANZAC in northern Italy. This leads the UK to strike into eastern europe to try to support the Anzac, which keeps Japan from going full force against the ANZAC, but the US never lasts very long. The odd thing is that everyone jumps all over eachother from the get go, but the Soviet Union (in the USA position) is ignored the axis seem to be doing everything to make sure that they wont come in ANY sooner then normal.

    The only really odd bit is figuring out what to do with China. As the French are an allied power all Chinese occupied territories would be liberated, but that would cut France’s(Japan) economy in half, so I dont know how to balance it. I was thinking of either doing that or making China an Axis power instead. What I have done is just left areas as French and kept China as allied, just without that extra, which kinda works but dosnt solve the issue.

  • Customizer

    So basically, as far as the types of pieces are concerned, Allies are still Allies and Axis are still Axis, just in different areas of the world, right?  In this game Japan (Germany) and Germany (UK) are pals against the US (France), ANZAC (Italy) and British (Russia).  So when Russia (USA) does come into the war, I imagine they will be going almost all Atlantic, as well as invading Canada.

    Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure what to do with China.  I couldn’t really put them in any other place because they don’t have the other pieces, just infantry, artillery and fighters (the artillery and fighters I got for them from other games).

    So has Italy (ANZAC) been much of a force?  I imagine they would be trying to pick at the French in the Pacific.  With France (Japan) not having to worry about the Russians or Chinese, they could spend a lot more on their navy and really dominate the Pacific.

  • @knp7765:

    So has Italy (ANZAC) been much of a force?  I imagine they would be trying to pick at the French in the Pacific.  With France (Japan) not having to worry about the Russians or Chinese, they could spend a lot more on their navy and really dominate the Pacific.

    Sadly the Italian navy never seems to last very long no matter where you put them. With France not needing to worry about any threats except from the south, their entire navy and airforce quickly deploys to the SE Asia, the DEI, and off the coast of Italian Australia. The Italians have had to focuse much more on building and army then a navy. The Germans need to spend a good amount of money in India as well to try to stop or match the Massive French fleet that is inbound. As China is still an allied power (though I’m using the old red Japanese Infantry for them) the French dont need to worry to much about getting land forces to India, just getting supporting units (i.e. airforce) to the Chinese.
    The ANZAC are also in an intresting position, as the Japanese germans need to balance an attack on US france with a strike on ANZAC N. Italy. The ANZAC position in Albania allows them to activate the pro-allied neutrals of Yugoslavia and Greece, so while Japan wants, and really needs, to strike for Paris, they also need to watch for the Commonwealth forces attacking eastern Europe.

  • '10

    So when is the REAL Alpha +3 set-up going to be posted? Did I miss it somewhere?

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    So when is the REAL Alpha +3 set-up going to be posted? Did I miss it somewhere?

    Umm, yeah, I guess you did miss it, because its been up for a few weeks now
    http://www.harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6149 this link will take you to Larry Harris’s website where its been posted since september 1st

  • '10

    Thanks.  This is really the kind of information that should be posted here somewhere on the board with a sticky?

  • Customizer

    Well, I got my FMG Italian units and tried setting up for a game of ALpha+3.  Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I like the FMG pieces a little too well.

    Alpha 3 setup Europe 3.JPG
    Alpha 3 setup Pacific 3.JPG

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