Mr. Janus,
Due to my lack of a classical education, I have not read Plato’s “Republic” in any detail, however the idea of an enlightened dictator directing the affairs of a republic, through the filter of an elected seante, has been around at least since the fourth century B.C.
Oh, and for real fun, I recommend the fantastic flick “Things To Come” which dates to, oh, say 1930. First of all, it was the “Star Wars” of its day in terms of advancing the level of motion picture special effects (one of its predecessors in that department was of course “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang). But more apt for this discussion, Things To Come projects a post-apocalyptic, war-shattered world where order and justice finally come about by virtue of a dedicated, selfless federation of pilots (read: fledgling technological superpower) that is poised to forge a world government, transcending all past “states” and regional governments.
I would suggest that we are eons away (well, maybe not “eons” I mean eons are like beyond the end of it, man, like billions of years) – so let’s say we are rawthuh distant from a time when local governments would cede their sovereign powers to any world gummint. Sure, the European Union is doing something like this, and regional treaty orgs do exist around the planet, but we already have a world governmental meeting place – lacking the executive that you describe, and lacking the clarity of superior authority on matters of law, rights and enforcement… but a governmental meeting vehicle for all humanity, nevertheless – and it is called the United Nations.
Still, it seems worthy to ponder. And while you do so, give a listen to this catchy tune:::::
“The natural progress of things is for government to gain ground and for liberty to yield.”
— President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826).