Another Political thread.. Design your own goverment!

  • “American Media is overwhelmingly Pro-American. You see MSNBC running themselves as “America’s News Channel” and changing their symbol to an American Flag.”

    Evidently they want something called “ratings” and so they want to appeal to the faux neopatriotism like Fox News. The station is in America, so what is wrong with the flag?

    "Horten, learn the term “Propoganda”, it’s how our Government keep’s a republic like us in check. They want you to think we tell the truth and Europe tells the lies intentionally, we’re better then them anyway right? "

    You don’t get it do you Yanny? Your Euronews was propaganda…no massacre happened in Jenin. The government has no control over the media, or we would of won in 'Nam (though we didn’t deserve to.) European media doesn’t tell lies intentionally…only to the point to get people to read, wtahc, or listen to their news so they can make more money.

    “Sure, saying words like “African American” is now forced upon teachers, but our society is still incredibly racist. Ever been to a High School? Making fun of Gays, Hispanics, Muslims, ect is all normal. In the 60s it was verse Blacks, today it is just verse the above.”

    Yeah, life sucks.

  • ya every country has propaganda. my country has it your country has it. thats how the goverment controls thought. in the hopes that you don’t become a bad citazin and form your own opinion.

    and Horton thats something that unfortinitly you have not been able to do. so far all i’ve seen you do is regugatate goverment cencus data (that is curupt by definition) and suport a system thats far more a dictatorship then they would have you think.

    at least here we don’t take anything the goverment says vary seriosly.
    thats why i became a marxist becase i wanted a system that would actuly let me make my own disions and not require me to roll over when i’m told too!

    oh one more thing horton it’s my first quote i was talking about the one that i listed some of the things wrong with your system.

  • how ridiculous you sound!



    This is horten, all hail president Bush, he does no wrong! Ahhh!~ The Soma is kicking in! Time for me live in my ol’ glass house and watch the telescreen!

    “ya every country has propaganda. my country has it your country has it. thats how the goverment controls thought. in the hopes that you don’t become a bad citazin and form your own opinion.”

    To what extent my friend? The extent of the USSR? Nazi Germany? Saudia Arabia? Iraq? I don’t think so. There’s a free press out west, and when governments lie, they are not supported from the press, rather reported. I have my own opinion! If i didn’t, I wouldn’t disagree with many things the US did (and does.)

    “and Horton thats something that unfortinitly you have not been able to do. so far all i’ve seen you do is regugatate goverment cencus data (that is curupt by definition) and suport a system thats far more a dictatorship then they would have you think.”

    Regergetate data? You can’t provide any! The census is a pretty good source of data…better than heresay and hypothesis. Furthermore, if you read the data, it openly admits some things that some people would not like to believe (like the decrease in the share income in the middle class, but remember they have been making more money.) I support a dictatorship? No, i don’t live in Iraq, thank you very much. You know what? Learn to spell! I mispell out of carelessness, you seem to do so out of ignorance! For one, “Horton”? That’s a dr. seuss elephant. I’m "Horten"FlyingWing, after Walter and Reimar Horten.

    "at least here we don’t take anything the goverment says vary seriosly. "

    I don’t pay taxes, because the government says they exist, so they just can’t! Good logic.

    "thats why i became a marxist becase i wanted a system that would actuly let me make my own disions and not require me to roll over when i’m told too! "

    Marxism, democracy, dictatorship could all have those things…doesn’t mean they will…so pretty much you’re telling me you have no good reason to be a “marxist” besides for freedom? No bueracracy will give you total freedom.

    "oh one more thing horton it’s my first quote i was talking about the one that i listed some of the things wrong with your system. "

    Your first reply? I’ll check it out. Maybe i skipped it…be back soon.

  • Oh, your government w/no greed? If you get it to work, I’ll be your first citizen!

  • Being that I’m currently working for the government, I’d have to say that no matter what government you have, the important thing is the ability to say the government is wrong without fear of reprisal. I would say sucks, but that might be going too far. :D Anyway, it seems to me that you should think your country is the best, and if you don’t, what do you have any right to complain about that for anyway? Finally, if you have some complaints, exercise that freedom of speech! I haven’t heard about any people being shot for protesting the war around here lately, but I am in Kuwait. The bottom line is, just enjoy wherever you’re at and don’t complain about feeling superior. Go USA!!! 8)

  • I’d probably go about creating a Communist Society (of Leninist type)

    (more information later… I’m sleepy)

  • Commie Bastard!!! it is alright TG although you have made a statement of Evil tap into my good Grace and forgive you :)

    is not Grace Beautiful

  • @NatFedMike2:

    Commie Bastard!!! it is alright TG although you have made a statement of Evil tap into my good Grace and forgive you :)

    is not Grace Beautiful

    actully let me rephrase myself

    Commie Bastard!!! it is alright TG although you have made a statement of Evil. I shall tap into my good Grace and forgive you :)

    is not Grace Beautiful

  • Ummm… thanks a lot Mike.

    And I forgive you for eatting at Taco Bell… :roll:

  • Moderator


    If you could design a government, explain it here.

    My Goverment would be a Capitalistic Socialism. Everyone lives in kind of a “Kibbutz” system, one of the decent things to come out of Israel. Children live away from their parents, but still in contact with them. Education is totally free, ranging from Preschool to Univercity level. During this time, you are required to undergoe a small term of Military training. If a war should break out, both sexes can be drafted, and this will serve as kind of a “Pre Boot Camp”

    The Government issues all graduates a sum of cash, to be used to buy property, start a business, ect. To pay for this, Income Taxes will be high, in the 70% range. Throughout your life, Health Care and Legal Care is paid for in full by the Government. If you need employment, the Government will find you a suitable job.

    Elections will be held exactly like the US Goverment’s. The media is free, and censorship (without permission) of any kind is illegal. Religion will take absolutely zero part in the Government.

    Physcologists have done studies over and over… Children learn nearly everything from there parents… Would alternative “school’s” be available?
    In my opinion Geurrilla’s are a better form of defense :wink: …like the free cash…but why just kill Income tax and give your citizens a boost in the work force…If you give all those benifits you will have to Inflate the money supply like crazy… do you want Hyper-Inflation and Mach 177 velocity…

    Your interesting :wink: …

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