Gsh34 (axis) vs. Axisplaya (allies) Alpha +3

  • '10

    Well, in a lot of games, i’ve found out that sz6 is a trap for the allies fleet. From there, it can only moves 2 sz, which lead to nowhere…
    If you position your airfleet correctly (or build AB in Fic or Kwa), you constantly threaten this fleet, and if on top of that you have a German bmb can opener, it can become a nightmare for allies fleet.
    Now for ground dumped in Kor, You can wipe them with planes (you know how to do that :-D) and put yourself in position to retake it next round.

    Now, i would like to ask you the same thing : Did i surprise you with any move ? What do you think went wrong with my game ?

  • Talking about a German bomber as a can opener……have you had a chance to use that to any effect in your other games?  If so, I would love a link to the game so I check it out and see how it worked.

    As to your other questions, I’ll get to them at a later time.  Time does not permit me to type an adequate response at the moment.

  • '10


    Talking about a German bomber as a can opener……have you had a chance to use that to any effect in your other games?  If so, I would love a link to the game so I check it out and see how it worked.

    It’s strange, but so far, in each game that i have sent on or more Euro Axis bmb to China to can open for the Japanese, my oponent has conceded before i could get to use it…

    Here are 2 links from current games where i just sent the bombers last turn, they’re not yet in position to can open, but it’s coming !
    1st link, i sent 2 bmb but unfortunately, my oponent fleet is getting so big, that i’m afraid my german can openers wont be of much use…

    but 2nd link is from my current tournament game ! I just sent it to Shn and he might see some action soon !

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