I’ve played third reich. There is both an 80s version, and a 90s version of that game. They are quite different. However, it is alot simpler and smaller than WiF. I am currently playing a game called Scorched Earth, Urals Mod in the Europa System. This game has baseunits being divisions and regiments. It playes the entire war on the eastern front. Each space is a hexagon at about 25 km accross. you usualle have about 3000 pieces on the map at any given time, when only playing the eastern front. If you play once a week, you will actually use like 8 years to play the 4 years from 41 to the end of 45.
New recruit seeks direction
Justin Case reporting for duty.
I’ve been playing Axis and Allies for about 20 years.
I’ve been rather loyal to (an)other site(s), but lately can’t seem to get any assitance with what’s what re: the “new” Global rules set.
I stumbled upon this site via an odds calculator link.
I was immediately intriguied by the main(?) page’s dipiction of AAEurope and AAPacific set up for the Global format.
( It elicited Pavlovian drooling. )
So for the ‘boot-camp private’ …1. I’d like to be able to upload a workable ABattleMap utility for the Global platform. I’ve been to FOE but what I got there (patch included) would not open. That is when I got stonewalled with tech help… and no one at Larry’s site or AAMC seems to be able to (or willing to) communicate effectively a simple ‘click this’ instruction that will get a usable map utility up and running.
2. I look at the forum boards here and I am overwhelmed. Like all of us there are only so many hours in the day. Those that are available to waste, I’d prefer to spending playing A&A than reading and chatting about it. That being said, which links would be the most useful to read first?
3. I presume this is a PBEM site as well?Enough for now. Thanks ahead of time for any assistance.
Justin Case
Welcome to the board!
I think you may find what you are looking for here:
I’ll have a look