Your nominations for quality A&A posters…

  • Name your choices for the top three quality contributors(active or inactive)to this forum. Do not include yourself.

    Thank you…

    I limit it to three so that we have some difference of opinion. Didn’t want to ask everyone to name the top ten. Thought everyone would most likely name 8-9 of the same.

  • Hmmm that’s tough. Havent really been around enough to say, but it’s somethin to think about! I wouldn’t nominate myself even if I could, lol because I know I break into pointless stories or stuff about movies, and can get off topic :wink:

    actually El Jefe, if you continue at this rate…cuz for the amount of posting you do, I’d say you make a good contribution to this site.

    And it’s about quality not quantity, so TG doesnt get an automatic spot in the top 3…although no offense TG, I’d say you do contribute pretty good quality posts. I don’t think I could name the top 3 though, I was just thinkin out loud

  • I was confused by the title, but here goes…

    Honourable Mention, Emeritus…

    Honourable Mention…

    Runners up…

    Axis & Allies Award…

    :D I know I fudged on the nominations but I limited it to 3 in each category.
    I found it difficult to judge as I noticed a desire to nominate those with which I had many varied conversations(#s). I felt the need to examine the variety as well as some posts I recalled to which I may not have responded. I hope that my nominations encourage many more quality posts from the first inductees to the Hall of A&A Posters. 8) :wink:

  • EmuGod

    In no particular order

  • Thanks :wink:

  • Good choice on Soon_U_Die…always thought pretty much all of his posts were worth saying, and of good quality.

  • In no particular order…Agreed.
    My choices are…

    1)cystic_crypt…as a doc seems to make sense in discussions
    2)Soon_U_Die…saw some great posts and concur after further research
    3)F_alk…don’t always agree, but appreciate the logic encouraged
    Note: I think I gave quantity more weight than I’d intended.

    Damn! Wish I left a choice for more nominations, but don’t want to encourage long posts and lots of nominations.

    Emeritus? X, knock it off!

    Don’t know about that Deviant:Scripter! He’s a wacko. :lol:

    Got to check out DarthMaximus. Haven’t seen a lot of his posts.
    Ansbach had great posts…wish there were more.

  • Don’t know about that Deviant:Scripter! He’s a wacko. :lol:

    Luv ya too bud :wink:

  • Thanks EJ, Xi (runner up? :()
    i’m not sure if it is appropriate for me to name the “best posters”, although people who have given me pause for thought include F_alk and SUD in addition to many others already mentioned. Also i’ve enjoyed discussions with the field marshal - i feel that we have similar values/ways of thinking despite our very disparate backgrounds.
    And i’d be a jerk if i didn’t put Mr. Ghoul at the top of the list - if not for his posts here, but many excellent conversations around the gaming table.

  • …lol where is TG? I mentioned him in my rambling at the top, and I see no one has nominated him or even brought him up (even though he is the top poster). I dont mean where is he in the rankings, but is he even on these boards any more? I see his last posting was April 14th, 2003. Anybody know?

  • GeZe wins it.

    No really, Xi, dzrtfish, and Darthmax.

  • '19 Moderator

    Wow, I am flattered to be mentioned in this thread. I never really though I was that much of a contributer. :oops:

    I would say in no perticular order:

    Yanny: When ever I see a new topic by Yanny I know there is going to be a great debate and even though more often than not I disagree with him he getts some great dicussion started.

    Soon_U_Die: A very good A&A player who always has some inteligent annalisis and constructive critsisam for a strategy. This is not the first Board I have read his posts on.

    F_alk: always seems to have a strong opinion and Information to back himself up. It may be that since I disagree With him alot that I enjoy the conversations that much more.

    Honorable mention:
    El Jefe: you’ve got a good start keep it up.
    TG: He had some good stuf when he was active and he is a Civil war buff, always a plus. But, he did spam quite a bit to get that post count. :)
    And there are several of you conservative guys who I tend to agree with on alot of topics, but saying “Amen brother” isn’t near as much fun as argueing. :)

  • Didn’t mean for the #s to mean ranking, Jezulpete!

    GeZe wins it.

    No really, Xi, dzrtfish, and Darthmax.

    Okay, I’m confused :-? … that’s normal. :P

    Yanny are you giving dz_fish, D_Max(I love shortening names if you didn’t know.), and me the bad news? Or are you correcting your vote? I’m trying to decide whether I should go into shock!?! :-?

    Medic(c_c_), we need a blanket over here! :P

    There are so many worthy of an award. 8)

    c_c_, I hadta bump ya. I lovya, man! Didn’t want anyone crying foul/nepotism(no we are not related that I know.) For my original(prepost)winners switch the Runners Up with the Award nominees.

  • The Worst Poster of all Time-



    Yay, I won something!

  • @GeZe:

    The Worst Poster of all Time-



    Yay, I won something!

    GAAAZZZeeeee . . .
    how are you doing my easily frustrated Belgian friend?

  • anny are you giving dz_fish, D_Max(I love shortening names if you didn’t know.), and me the bad news? Or are you correcting your vote? I’m trying to decide whether I should go into shock!?! icon_confused.gif

    I am saying I enjoy reading posts by you three the most.

  • Yanny: When ever I see a new topic by Yanny I know there is going to be a great debate and even though more often than not I disagree with him he getts some great dicussion started.

    Thanks man, but I’m glad I don’t have to anymore! Deviant, El Jefe, you, F_alk, and others are taking the flag for me! Kudos to you all.

  • My Top 3:

    CC for each post, SUD for his posts on the game itself and…. hmmm…
    quite a lot of people for 3rd place. I choose to award this to Bigblocky in recognition as “best newcomer”…

  • @cystic:

    GAAAZZZeeeee . . .
    how are you doing my easily frustrated Belgian friend?

    I’m Bulgarian (in south east europe) and in 2 hours I’m going to bulgaria via- victoria to vancouver, vancouver to montreal, montreal to veinna, veinna to sofia (capital of bulgaria)

    so bye to all for 3 months

  • @GeZe:


    GAAAZZZeeeee . . .
    how are you doing my easily frustrated Belgian friend?

    I’m Bulgarian (in south east europe) and in 2 hours I’m going to bulgaria via- victoria to vancouver, vancouver to montreal, montreal to veinna, veinna to sofia (capital of bulgaria)

    so bye to all for 3 months

    i knew that you are Bulgarian. That’s why i added the " :lol: "
    just teasing you one last time.
    Have a great trip.

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