Of course, you as the attacker have the choice of which battles you want to roll first and what order you want to resolve all the battles. So while it may not help you in a mid-battle situation, you can decide if you have one battle that maybe kind of hinges on the outcome of another battle to do the other battle first and see the results.
What I usually like to do is resolve all sea battles first, from the smallest to the largest, then all small land battles and then the larger land battles.
For example: If I am Germany, a typical first round combat move would be to go after the Royal Navy in sea zones 91, 109, 110 and 111. On land I go after Normandy, France, Southern France and Yugoslavia. Sometimes I will also send a couple of planes after the French ships in SZ 93. That last one depends on how confident I am whether or not our UK player will scramble into SZ 110 and how confident I feel about the forces attacking Paris.
In order, I resolve the sea combats first: 2 subs vs. cruiser in SZ 91 – 2 subs vs. DD and Transport in SZ 106 – 1 sub, 1 BB, 1 ftr, 1 tac and 1 bomb vs. 1 BB, 1 CA, 1 DD and maybe 1 ftr (from Scotland) in SZ 111 – then I will resolve SZ 110 which will usually be the biggest sea battle.
If I don’t think UK will scramble, then I send 2 ftr, 2 tacs and 1 bomber against 1 BB and 2 CA. That is when I might send 1 ftr and 1 tac against the French CA and DD in SZ 93.
If I do think UK will scramble, then I leave the French ships alone in SZ 93 and send 3 ftr, 3 tacs and 1 bomber against 1 BB, 2 CA and 3 ftr. Of course, if UK decides to save his fighters for later, then it is kind of a waste of planes for me totally overpowering the ships and not getting to attack somewhere else. Then again, if I don’t send those extra 2 planes and UK does scramble, I could end up getting slaughtered.
After that, I move on to the land battles. First Normandy, then S France, then the big France battle and finally Yugoslavia. I do Yugoslavia last even though it is smaller than the France battle because it has no effect at all on any of the French battles and it is a neutral.
Also, I use the FMG Combat Dice so I like to resolve battles with one nation before switching to different dice for another nation.
Well, it looks like I just talked your ear off to make a simple point: small sea battles to large sea battles, small land battles to large land battles.
NoMercy is Back
Just wanted to drop a hello and say NoMercy is back, for those who don’t know me, I played a ton back in the Revised days and the new global game has me itching to play some online matches again. I been slowly going over all the rules and pictures of the maps (wow there is a lot of stuff to go over, I don’t own the games yet so it makes going over tactics a little hard right now).
But I will welcome any matches soon so I can gear up to learn the game fast and prepare for any future tournaments hosted on here again.
The tournaments in Revised hosted on here were great.PS - I see the Axis have been getting a lot of slack in this new game, time for me to bring them back in the winning circle I think…that is if I can learn the ropes fast.
Hells yeah!
Be prepared for a love hate relationship with the political situations.