in case i didn’t say it before, thank you for playing a game with me.
11L '41 - Manstein (axis) v BoldFresh (Allies) Bid 6, +NOs, No Tech
NWE liberated for no loss
Non Combat Movement
2 fighters land France
2 fighters land Germany
1 tank ger => franceMobilisation
3 tanks, 2 infantry in France
2 tanks, 5 infantry, bomber in GermanyGermany collects 42+15=57
assume i can press on with japan, or are you moving your russian AA gun?
assume i can press on with japan, or are you moving your russian AA gun?
aa gun stays put. go ahead with Japan.
Japan 11
with 84 japan buys
2 tanks (10), 2 fighters (20), 2 bombers (24), ACC (14), Destroyer (8), Transport (7)
save 1Combat Movement
SZ 50 (tran) - bomber (sum) kills trannieNon Combat Movement
bomber (sz50) lands Car Islands
bomber (sum) => italy
trans (sz35) loads inf, art (india) => sz39
Fleet (sz38) => sz51
tank (EPol) => germany
tank (bel) => karelia
2 tanks (transjord) => egypt
tank (cauc) => bulgaria
8 tanks (russia) => E Poland
AA (arc) => karelia
fgt (japan) => sz62Mobilisation
2 tanks, 1 fighter, 2 bombers in Russia
ACC, fgt, DD, tran in SZ62Japan collects 59+15=74 + 1 saved, has 75
UK with 63 buys 4 inf (12), arm (5), cru (12), acc (14), bat (20)
nwe (arm) - inf (nwy) via z5, 2 ftr (z7)
waf () - inf, arm (gbr) via 1 trn
gib () - inf (gbr) via z12
alg () - 2 inf, 2 arm (gbr) via 2 trn offload z12combat:
nwe - inf, 2 ftr vs. arm
Rolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 21@1: (6)2@3: (3, 1)
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)
nwe cwlo inf, not taken
z12 - des, 2 acc (z7), 2 ftr (nwe)
place 2 inf (nwy)
place 2 inf, arm (gbr)
place cru, acc, bat (z7)collect 25, has 25
Italy 11
with 29, Italy buys:
fighter (10), 3 inf (9), 2 tanks (10)Combat Movement
NoneNon Combat Movement
fighter, 3 inf, 1 tank - Italy
tank - caucasusItaly collects 19+5=24
with 57 the USA buys 5 inf, art, 2 arm, 4 trn (57)
z62 - sub (z52)
fra (AA) - sbr with bom (eca)combat:
aa fire in paris
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
SONOFA… bomber SHOT DOWN OVER PARIS. this bad luck is just NEVER GOING TO END.
z62 - sub vs. des, acc, 2 ftr
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
Rolls: 2@2 2@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 2)2@4: (5, 5)
z62 holds without loss. these dice are really starting to wear me out.
z19 - 2 acc (z55)
gbr - 2 inf, 2 arm (eca), inf, arm (bra), 4 ftr (eca)
z7 - 2 trn (z9), trn (z18), 2 ftr, acc (z8), 2 ftr (eus)
z9 - trn (z7)
eca - 6 inf, arm (eus)
z12 - ftr (eus)place 4 trn (z10)
place 5 inf, art, 2 arm (eus)collect 55, has 55
Germany 12
with 57, germany buys
14 inf (42), fgt (10), tank (5)combat movement
SBR gbr - bomber (ger)
finland (mt) - inf, art (kar) -
aa gun
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)
i’ve tried that twice now and lost bomber both times -
Non Combat Movement
4 tanks, inf (ger) => france
2 fgt (fra) => germany
2 inf (fra) => italy
AA (fra) => italyMobilise
6 inf - france
1 inf, 1 tank - karelia
7 inf, fgt - germanygermany collects 42+15=57, has 57
russia does nothing, proceed with J12
Japan 12
with 75, japan buys
4 transports (28), 2 inf (6), 2 art (8), destroyer (8), 5 tanks (25)combat movement
SBR gbr - bomber (italy)
Philippines (inf, arm) - inf, art (sz39) + bomber (car) + 2 fgt (sz51) + 2 fgt (sz62) -
british aa gun
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (2)
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (2)
sorry i also meant to attack iwo jima, which is empty
inf/art from japan (that’s why i’m only using 2 land units on philippines
hope that’s not a problem