• Can US Transports/combat ships enter the sea zone around Iceland before war is declared?  We had a discussion the other night that the US cannot go within one seazone of Europe/Africa before war and that this includes Iceland.


    MP in Kuwait

  • ~~I have seen nothing to indicate they can’t.

    Sea-zones are friendly or hostile.
    Hostile means a combat unit of a nation you’re at war with (some sub rules applies).
    Friendly means anything else (meaning even warships of other nations, as long as you’re not at war).

    You can enter friendly sea zones.~~

    Edit: Yeah - my bad. Had forgotten about that passage under the US in the rulebook.

  • In the rules that come with the box, you cannot, because Iceland is considered part of Europe, and so America cannot park by it while neutral.

    In the Alpha+ .2 rules, which are newer rules that fix balancing issues in the game, America cannot do so, because (on the Europe side of the map) American transports cannot remain in seazones other than those adjacent to American territories.  Warships may only be in those sea zones, in addition to zone 102.
    The rules for Alpha+ .2 are different for the Pacific side of the map.

  • However the US is still allowed to land planes on Iceland or to build a naval base, am I right?

  • @soldaatvanoranje:

    However the US is still allowed to land planes on Iceland or to build a naval base, am I right?

    you mean UK?

  • Official Q&A


    However the US is still allowed to land planes on Iceland or to build a naval base, am I right?

    No.  Neutral powers may not move units into other powers’ territories, and you may never build anything in a territory controlled by another power.

  • My bad… I’ve mistaken iceland as us territory. Nevermind…

  • My bad  :roll:, I mistook Iceland to be an US territory. Nevermind my remarks, but thanks anyway Krieg!

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