G1 would have to go REALLY badly for the UK to hit back with anything meaningful. Remember, you’re going to have at least a loaded carrier, cruiser, battleship (maybe tipped) 3 planes to scramble AND whatever else you built g1 (subs destroyer etc.) That’s at worst 24 pips and more likely 30. UK can only get 3 fighters (if they didnt loose any in a scramble) and whatever is left, which is likely only a battle ship and a couple of destroyers, (in a bad case) this with 3 planes would give them 17.
Bye Bye Brits.
You mean Au revoir, Brits ;)
Define really badly. Germany not being able to kill off the UK battlship is an important part, Germany also has to lose a few pieces, or at least have a damaged battleship.
A tipped UK battleship is no problem, as it will be repaired before attacking. if, on the other hand, the german battlship is tipped, then a counterattack might be worth the risk. Personally i dont mind losing my UK fleet if it wipes out the german fleet as well. Getting those sealions of the english beach is a priority.
I assumed a G1 buy of an AC and some transports (without transports there is no imminent sealion threat hence no urgent need for a counter attack), and if Germany did a perfect clean up turn 1 then there is no striking back naturally.
UK’s actions will always depend on the succes/failure of the german attacks. Well, mine will…
I didn’t count in any new scrambling rules, though. (do alpha rules also apply for Europe?)