• I played a game of AA europe 1940 last week, with america i noticed if Gibraltar is held by the english, than american can move fleet to neighboring sea zone and be with range of up to 5 different landing zones. This is what lead to an allied victory because germany and italy could not defend the five different zones and have a substantial enough force to repel the invasion.

  • Gibraltar is indeed crucial for the Allies. In fact i think it’s over 7 zones, actually.

  • That also in my opinion should make gibralter a huge axis target. as italy it would be one of the few think they could contribute to the axis cause.

  • @Endeer:

    That also in my opinion should make gibralter a huge axis target. as italy it would be one of the few think they could contribute to the axis cause.

    Agreed, although they know an american hammer will be coming their way…

  • But if america has to land troops to take it and if give the germans and italians an extra turn to ready themselves.

  • (It gives) the italians and germans another turn to ready.

  • Indeed, and that can make it a worthy sacrifice

  • A good UK player dont give it away for free, man. UK move before Italy, so he can set up a trap, reinforce Gibraltar and or put some ships to stall the Italian fleet, man. I figure the only hope Italy have to take Gib is when Germany prepare for Sea Lion and force UK to place all units in UK, man.

  • yea… your right but usually england has other priorities on its mind than reinforcing Gibraltar, especially if the germans are going to sea lion in the beginning. but you bring up valid points, man

  • In most games I have played it appears that the US always end up landing in Norway, build an IC there and then either power through russia into Berlin, or build barges and conjointly strike back with the Russians.

    How would you go about countering that with the Axis?

  • if i were the germans, i would take that back with all cost. This also depends on how well the luftwaffe is doing, because how i would go about doing this is: take the transport, and drop on norway and attack with my air-force. if its available, you should blitz tanks and mech infantry up too norway but it would be a priority to take the IC up there.

  • if you have not bought any transports it can be done maybe for one or two rounds. after that it is mostly impossible for the germans to retake norway.

    but as the US i would focus on italy and harass germany only to disturb NO-related IPC-collecture in norway or france, trading.

    but with russia knocked down, germany can compensate easily the loss of norway. even without norway a gain of 70+ IPCs is common.

    rock`n roll

  • Transports are very vital to the germans in almost ever aspect, but even if the germans have one transport they can just amphibious assault the beaches of norway and bring their entire air-force in to the fight. I have played America 1940 europe and the force they amass and can move across the atlantic is daunting, but is not quite a match for a well strengthened Luftwaffe (this being comparable to the starting air craft). Also the american force that I built (which i’m using as a comparison) also had the cover of naval and carrier-born air craft.

  • I read a very good suggestion for an Axis strategy.
    Germany should do a successful Sea Lion. Italy should leave Gibraltar in UK hands and bomb the facilities. This makes it impossible for the allies to use the navel yard until UK has been liberated as only the UK can repair their facilities.
    If Italy took Gibraltar, then the USA could easily recapture it and use the navel yard the rest of the game.

  • I normally cringe at the word “Sea-Lion” but that does sound like a great way to repel the American invasion for a good amount of turns. Only problem is, Italy has to build a bomber which is a two turn ordeal with their economy.

  • sounds good in theory, only problem is if London is in enemy hands, then when the US lands in Gib. it takes control of Gib. and all its facilities. On the turn after, it can repair all the facilities on Gib. and have it reinforced with fighters. It might buy you 1 turn at the most.

  • The whole axis victory plan should be based around 6-7 turns because of the american war machine. That being said a turn is worth every it entails as long as the axis can secure 8 VCs. The axis are on an excruciatingly tight time table because of this which is why most think that (which i would agree with) the allies are OP in OOB.

  • I don’t know what OP means, but I agree time is priceless to the axis. Here’s a thought, If the US lands in Gib., Have Italy put a single DD in sz92 (hopefully the British won’t destroy it) Have Germany put another single DD in sz104 (it can make it from the Baltics if it has a clear shot) This will buy the axis 1 more turn. a possible $16 loss, but time is never free

  • Yet another good way to buy time… OP means Over Powered

  • @daffy2war:

    sounds good in theory, only problem is if London is in enemy hands, then when the US lands in Gib. it takes control of Gib. and all its facilities. On the turn after, it can repair all the facilities on Gib. and have it reinforced with fighters. It might buy you 1 turn at the most.

    This would only happen if an Axis nation took Gibraltar first. Allied nations do not take territories from other allies even if the capital has been lost.

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