@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
G40 (National Objectives, No tech) 1v1
Yup, do you have a preference of which side to play?
Well, I’m currently playing as Russia in another game; so probably Axis, unless you want to be them.
Also, I’ve never played as Axis in G40 so I might be a pushover for you. :-D I’m more experienced with S1942.
I’m involved in a team game right now, and so far that’s my first G40 experience, so no worries, we’re both newbies. It’s cool by me if you’re the Axis. Since Germany goes first do you want to start a thread? I’m terribly curious about the different strats.
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22672.0FYI: I meant to hit space after Bulgaria before Finland, must have missed it; sorry.
No worries, good luck and may your dice be extraordinarily average!
Anyone else up for a game?
Sure, but id like a multiplayer game if at all possible.
I have a thread for that, but, it seems like there is very little interest…my guess is alot of people are involved in alot of games already.
well, what ever works then
let me know when u want to 1v1
I’m down for a one on one, what side would you prefer?
Hmm let me think
Sure, I have no preference, so any is cool by me.
I would want to be axis, for the practice and simplicity. But I would also want the allies cause I never controlled all the allies before. So its a hard choice.
You know you can’t be both. I get to atleast play Italy….just teasing, once you decide, feel free to either start a game if you want Germany or let me know and I’ll post a thread, if you want to be allies. Also, do you mind using the TMTM map?
I’m doing 4 games and once atm, 1v1 vs dylan im axis , 3v2 with you as gb and me russ, 1v1 via skype im axis, and 2v2 me, jercule vs wonk, titan jerc germ im jap (Its the start of I1 and I think we will lose). So its tough. I hope i win either in the 3v2 game or the 1v1 vs dylan game cause i alrdy lost/conceeded 2 games and im pretty sure it will happen again, maybe 2 more times.
well, i have noticed some glitches with the NO calculations, but besides that, it should be alright.
I’ll do axis again, link the topic where we r playing