Thank you Hobbes and Krieghund , I appreciate your answers.
The rule is that all fighters need to reserve part of their movement to get back to a safe landing zone. (pg 14 - Air Units), thus if those 2 extra fighters can’t get to the territory and land back then you cannot bring them.
But that’s my point exactly. In terms of actual physical aircraft movement points, my Fighters did have enough, between them, to potentially land on safe/friendly spaces. 2 Fighters had enough range to get to a nearby island, but the other 4 Fighters had only 1 movement left each. Now, theoretically all 4 could potentially land on the carrier in SZ62 as it is a legal safe/friendly space.
My opponent argued that if ALL my Fighters survived, then 2 of them would have nowhere to land as the carrier would already be filled. Was he right? I think so, and at least, that’s the way I’ve always concieved the rules to be… Not usually such a big deal until it came to conquering an Axis Captial Territory and thereby vastly tipping the balance of the game…
So Krieghund - am I right in assuming I was correct in trying to bring all 6 Fighters to the battle for Japan, even though only 4 of them had the capacity to land somewhere?