6 French Resistance units 2 per each city they act like fighters but can only attack one unit per guy. The number of French units in the space is the number they have to roll to hit. Example: 2 Infantry each one rolls for a two or less. Ideas? feedback?
G40 French
I would like feedback on a house rule:
After round 1, France no longer takes it’s turn after Italy but rather it moves after Russia.
Thought: Instead of waiting for your online opponent to say France does nothing, you can just proceed from Italy into Germany and let any useless NCMs done by the French occur when Russia goes.
Impact on the game: Except for the truely ultra rare occassion, I cannot see any positive or negative impact on the game. France is rarely in a position to do anything to Italy, Germany or Japan except suicide it’s forces against them. Likewise, after Round 1, France is rarely ever attacked by Germany, Italy or Japan.
So they only move this may AFTER round 1? Cause otherwise id have even more trouble taking trans and southern france.
So they only move this may AFTER round 1? Cause otherwise id have even more trouble taking trans and southern france.
Yea, in round 1 they move after Italy in rounds 2 through 500 they go before Russia.
In round 501 there is so much equipment on the board that the players, who are not drunk under the table, decide to put some cloths on over their bikini/thong swimsuits and go to a dance club. Then men will never know, they’re unconscious and why should we women give up a good night of frivolity just because our genetic donors are asleep?