Better to spend into a fleet off West Germany, even if you plan to do back door Russia.
You feign sealion, say with a 3 trn 1 dst build. Keeps U.K. honest or you take london.
Then G2, swing around the north, and land in Nenenstia and you can blitz the entire back door of Russia/China, and open up a whole new front behind Russian lines, as you kick in the front door on the east - their west, with the rest of your ground forces.
It forces them to abandon Novogord, to Garrisson the Russian Capital, and come up with a solution to deal with the tanks you just landed in their back door, gobbling up their IPC’s for free. Should Italy be in any sort of decent position, you may get pressure from the south through caucasus, or through the bessarabia/ukraine Corridor. Even if it’s just a token ground force.
Hopefully at the same time, the Russians leave their stack back east, (even if they don’t it’s not a big deal) perhaps the Japs can hit them there too J1. Regardless, if that’s the German plan, it certainly doesnt hurt Japan to do exactly that. and bring pressue all around. Russia won’t make ground regardless, as you blitz up to their stack for free - taking IPC’s, if their stack comes towards you, just have the japs following behind and taking the IPC’s, it’s a big switch, at 1 IPC a territory, it’s a 2 change, -1 for them + 1 for you, and they never get it back.
Russia only has enough equipment to fight so many battles at once… Put Axis ground units everywhere, And use German air power and pressure to keep the allies at bay, 2 AB in Normandy Holland, with a consistent purchase of 1 dst, means you can defend the seazone effectively, you could also use the same strategy in denmark/wgr, Nothing says HELLO like 6 scrambling fighters. Or better, if you stack Norway, and put the AB in Norway + Denmark, you could scramble 9 fighters into Sz112, provided you leave or build a surface ship there, the allies can more or less write off ever entering the baltic. And your defense of greater Germany is Solid.
Don’t ever forget - you don’t have to go through the baltic to reach Novogord, there are better oppurtunities elsewhere :D