• '14

    Lol, yea. Unless you seperate who is attacking from where!! If half your forces ate comming from Riems and the other half from Holland, then half your forces are going up against the maginot line! My rule is all or none.

  • All or none is better.

  • Hey got a quiestion:

    Vichy rule:

    If a French territory is captured by vichy french in the dice rolling, lets say Northen Algeria, then the IPC goes to Germany right? or has vichy france able to purchase units as well?

  • '14

    All Vichy IPC’s go to Germany. Vichy do not collect income.

  • A few more questions  :-D

    1. Does Communist China have any starting IPCs? Nationalist China doesn’t so it would make sense that the commies don’t get it either.
    2. Does Italy get the NO for no allied surface warships in the Med even if it’s not at war?
    3. Does FEC get the NO for owning Calcutta, Hong Kong, Singapore even if it’s not at war?
    4. If a capital is captured do the IPCs go to the bank or to the victor?
    5. Are Mexico and Eire Pro-Allied?

  • '14


    A few more questions  :-D

    1. Does Communist China have any starting IPCs?no Nationalist China doesn’t so it would make sense that the commies don’t get it either.
    2. Does Italy get the NO for no allied surface warships in the Med even if it’s not at war?only after they join the axis
    3. Does FEC get the NO for owning Calcutta, Hong Kong, Singapore even if it’s not at war?FEC will get this NO because they are at war with Germany!
    4. If a capital is captured do the IPCs go to the bank or to the victor?I will clear this up in my next rule revision. The conqouring nation will collect the money and not the bank.
    5. Are Mexico and Eire Pro-Allied?No, they are strict neutral

  • Excellent thanks!

  • Starting up another game and a player had almost as many questions as I had.

    1. If a minor axis power is conquered, does the conquering power collect the IPCs in the bank?
    2. What territory in Finland has to be captured before it is considered “conquered”? Helsinki or all.
    3. The US is limited to moving in a US held seazone prior to going to war. Does a US convoy zone count?
    4. If Holland is not captured on Round 1 can the UK still non-com into the DEI and capture the territories?
    5. “Rule II 1. Industrial Complex states that Pro-Allied countries cannot place IC’s in their country, when activated they are absorbed into the occupying countries’ army and income.” Is that referring to Yugoslavia losing it’s factory if liberated by an Ally before and Axis? Or does that mean that you can’t build IC’s in Pro-Allied countries after liberating them? But can you build factories in Pro-Axis countries? What about allied powers’ territories that have been liberated while their capital is controlled by the enemy, can you build factories there?
    6. If Japan declares war on Russia can it no longer play it’s turn before Russia on the turn it declares war?
    7. When Germany first attacks Russia it can select one territory to surprise attack, can it select a sea zone?
    8. Do the strat bombing rules function exactly the same as G40 (except for the different attack/defense values)?
    9. Are the following linked?
    Quebec – Nova Scotia
    Labrador – Newfoundland
    Belfast – Scotland
    Greece – Corintine
    Sicily – Taranto
    11. The Pripet Marshes are semi-impassable, I’m assuming that means that aircraft can fly over?

    Thanks again for all your answers!

    Also, just noticed that there is no border between Nova Scotia and Quebec.

  • '14


    Starting up another game and a player had almost as many questions as I had.

    1. If a minor axis power is conquered, does the conquering power collect the IPCs in the bank?yes
    2. What territory in Finland has to be captured before it is considered “conquered”?Helsinki
    3. The US is limited to moving in a US held seazone prior to going to war. Does a US convoy zone count?The U.S. units have to end their turn in a U.S. held territory or sea zone, this includes convoy boxes.
    4. If Holland is not captured on Round 1 can the UK still non-com into the DEI and capture the territories?Only if the Dutch have entered the war.
    5. “Rule II 1. Industrial Complex states that Pro-Allied countries cannot place IC’s in their country, when activated they are absorbed into the occupying countries’ army and income.” Is that referring to Yugoslavia losing it’s factory if liberated by an Ally before and Axis? Or does that mean that you can’t build IC’s in Pro-Allied countries after liberating them? But can you build factories in Pro-Axis countries? What about allied powers’ territories that have been liberated while their capital is controlled by the enemy, can you build factories there?Remember that Pro-Allied, Pro-Axis, and Minor Axis coutries are in a neutral state until activated. For game balancing purposes once the Pro-allied territories are entered by the allies they are considerd part of the allied army. The territory is not an  original territory so an IC cannot be placed. Pro Axis and Minor Axis on the other hand can have an IC placed in their territory. This rule is strictly to help balance the game.
    6. If Japan declares war on Russia can it no longer play it’s turn before Russia on the turn it declares war? Once Japan and Russia are at war Japan has to make its turn after Russia.
    7. When Germany first attacks Russia it can select one territory to surprise attack, can it select a sea zone? No, just a territory.
    8. Do the strat bombing rules function exactly the same as G40 (except for the different attack/defense values)?yes
    9. Are the following linked?
    Quebec – Nova Scotia no
    Labrador – Newfoundlandno
    Belfast – Scotlandno
    Greece – Corintineno
    Sicily – Tarantono
    11. The Pripet Marshes are semi-impassable, I’m assuming that means that aircraft can fly over?yes

    Thanks again for all your answers!

    Also, just noticed that there is no border between Nova Scotia and Quebec.

  • do you have a faq yet?
    do you have a "nation card"that tells each playey what there limited to, and NO’s

  • '14


    do you have a faq yet?
    do you have a "nation card"that tells each playey what there limited to, and NO’s

    the setup charts have the nation specific info on them. Look at my setup charts and if there is some information missing or needed let me know

  • hi Tiger, I was the one who ask tons of question to Wonko. :-)
    good work, you have. support to you.

    questions time.

    4. If Holland is not captured on Round 1 can the UK still non-com into the DEI and capture the territories?Only if the Dutch have entered the war.
    –> Rule I.5 need revision then.
    4a.) It seems to imply Dutch has its own diplomatic status, right? if German has not declare war on Dutch G1(and possibly G2) and Japan has not declare war on anyone, then Dutch remains neutral. UK can’t non-com into DEI nor capture that money. Am I correct?
    4b.) If the answer is yes to 4a, Dutch remains neutral, collects and move unit in the same turn as UK, but cannot involvement in any combat, unless being declared war on. Is it correct?
    4c.) Can UK declares war on Polish and Dutch behalf? on Germany and, starting from UK3, on Japan?

    5. ICs. so you say ICs can only be placed on one original soil in the reply. is it a new decision? AAG40 has not have this restriction on minor IC and it is not mentioned in your rulebooks yet.
    5a.) what you said is, Allies can only build IC on their original soil. Axis can only build IC on their original soil + Pro-Axis + Minor Axis country. right?

  • a few rule opinion from our discussion with Wonko. FYI, Tiger.
    **** What happens if say Hungary falls into Allies’ hand?**
    Allied power can take away the money and I suggest that if Hungary is then “liberated” by Axis power, it should resume the normal course – collect income again and able to produce units later. afterall, the wordings of the rule is “as if they have a minor IC”, capturing them seems irrelevant to destroying their “as if IC” ability.

    **** Blitz.**
    move 2 space on its own doesn’t mean that it can move through empty hostile space (blitz) on its own. there is a subtle difference there.
    in AAG40, mech inf can move 2 space on its own, but can’t blitz through empty hostile space on its own. mech need to pair with tank 1-on-1 in order to blitz…. I would suggest to follow this manner, as Tiger’s rule didn’t mention otherwise.

    **** AB scramble to naval defense.**
    nothing mentioned about number of aircrafts allowed… I would suggest that we follow alpha’s rule – 3 aircrafts (ftr/tac) max. or we can confirm with Tiger again.

    **** “aircraft can scramble from an airbase during an SBR attack.” ?? they scrambe a space to the nearby territory? so if Liverpool is bombed, London ftr can intercept? any limit on numbers? How about ftrs already in Liverpool?**
    my understanding in G40 was that if a land is bombed, all fighters in that land can intercept, regardless of whether it has a airfield or not.
    so, if Tiger’s rule is to override the G40 rule, it’s logical to say it has changed something. Either you need an airfield in the bombed land, in order for you to intercept, or something else.
    –> I suggest to better define the word “scramble” in your rule. If you intended that ftrs can only intercept SBR if there is an AB in that territory, you may have to rewrite the rule a little bit.

    **** old question on Wolf Pack…2+ subs at start of battle? or start of a combat round?**
    Subs get +1 to attack at the start of a battle if there are more than 1 present at the start of a combat round. ( I think this was how the official AA say so. )

    enjoy!  :wink:

  • @Tigerman77:

    If Poland is not attacked or survives the attack from Germany on round 1 it becomes Pro-Allied, does that refer to Warsaw or all of Poland? If only the units in East Poland survive the attack can they attack Germany (or Russia if they survive a Russian attack on Round 1)?

    you’d matter as well end the game if Germany cant take Poland on the 1st turn, but the UK player will represent the pols if (in the rare chance that they dont get taken)Only if Warsaw isn’t taken. If Warsaw is taken Poland as a whole is defeated.

    so, let me summarize.
    if Warsaw is NOT taken in G1, for whatever the reason,
      then Poland join Allies as part of UK. it can move, it can attack, it can produce, it can collect.
    if Warsaw is taken in G1, which it should normally,
      then Poland is “defeated” and becomes a Pro-Allies neutral. it can’t do anything. Any Allies can walk-in to activate the remaining Polish territory and army, even the Soviet. (??!!)

    Do you endorse this summary?


    it might be nice to define “Atlantic Ocean” for UK’s NO.  :wink:

  • Does Com china and National China have capitals? if so does enemy nation get the money if the cap is captured?

  • can allies aircraft / land units go to Russian territory, before Russia is at War?

    can Axis Minor unit leave their home country before their respective restriction are lifted? e.g. while Yugo remain pro-Allies minor, can Hungary troops move to German-held Austria?

    can Axis Minor unit activate other Axis Minor? e.g. can Hungary troop activate Romania?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    can allies aircraft / land units go to Russian territory, before Russia is at War?

    can Axis Minor unit leave their home country before their respective restriction are lifted? e.g. while Yugo remain pro-Allies minor, can Hungary troops move to German-held Austria?

    can Axis Minor unit activate other Axis Minor? e.g. can Hungary troop activate Romania?

    Please be reminded, the rules are based on Europe/pacific 40 rules except for the rules given in thus game. Most of your questions can be answered by reading the Europe/Pacific 40 rules. Several of these questions are being repeated also, I know Tigermans is busy working on other games and it takes time to rehash through the same questions and answers.

  • @coachofmany:


    can allies aircraft / land units go to Russian territory, before Russia is at War?

    can Axis Minor unit leave their home country before their respective restriction are lifted? e.g. while Yugo remain pro-Allies minor, can Hungary troops move to German-held Austria?

    can Axis Minor unit activate other Axis Minor? e.g. can Hungary troop activate Romania?

    Please be reminded, the rules are based on Europe/pacific 40 rules except for the rules given in thus game. Most of your questions can be answered by reading the Europe/Pacific 40 rules. Several of these questions are being repeated also, I know Tigermans is busy working on other games and it takes time to rehash through the same questions and answers.

    I can understand I have asked a lot of questions and I should not put unnecessary burden on Tigerman.
    in the 3 questions you quoted, number 1 can be answered in Global 40 rules, number 3 can be answered by the word “German occupation” in rule v3.4. for question like these, I apologize for my carelessness.

    However, I strongly disagree that “Most of your questions can be answered by reading the Europe/Pacific 40 rules.”
    1.) Dutch, Polish rules are new, ambiguous and all a lot important to G1. 2.) ICs question started as a confusion and now a surprise that Allies can’t place IC on foreign soil (perhaps the distinction of major and minor IC should be written into the rule here). 3.) Minor Axis countries are new concepts. 4.) “Blitz” was a word for tank and somehow it is mentioned in Artillery rules, in connection with Mech, but not mentioned clearly in Mech’s rule. In fact, people like Keigh has stressed the difference between “blitz” through empty hostile land and mere moving 2 territory. The proper use of “blitz” should be re-addressed in the rule. 5.) “aircraft can scramble from an airbase during an SBR attack.” this sentence in the rule is redundant now, as Tiger has answered SBR follow G40 strictly except value. However, its mere presence and undefined “scramble during SBR” meaning would invite question naturally.

    For the repeated questions, most of them are looking for further clarification.

    I would hope that you can appreciate the effort I made. It’s hard to write good rule and make good game, I understand. But putting clarity into the rule is also important. I have had a lengthy discussion with Wonko and read through this thread head-to-tail. It’s like a marathon.

    Whether I am helping Tiger or burdening him, I really don’t know. I hope I am doing the former.

  • '14

    Its cool on the questions. I am working on another game and map right now so it may be another day or 2 before I can get you answers. This really helps for future games in knowing how to word the rules. Thanks for your patience!!!

  • Thanks a bunch Tigerman for all of your answers. Just to let you know this version is fast becoming my favorite version of Axis and Allies to play and I’m only 3 rounds into my first game. I’m seriously considering printing out a map so that my playgroup can have a game as well.

    Keep up the good work and don’t get fired because of A&A!  :-D

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