Tally one for the Axis this weekend. It was a good war and the Axis won a few key battles with some luckier rolls than the Allies , no Sea Lion or fake Sea Lion just Barbarossa . Japan went after China and the Soviet Union on one, set up for landings in the Philippines Aleutians Hong Kong the Pearl Harbor battle and Borneo I also put pressure on ANZAC with my Carrier and Destroyer from the Caroline Islands. I brought the Carrier and planes up to hit Hawaii along with the Destroyer . J1 was 2 Trans and 2 Subs. J2 was 1 Carrier 1Dest 2 Subs 1Trans. J3 was a Minor Fact, Inf, Art enough to fill my Trans and the rest on Navy. I was lucky on a few key battles to keep the USA at bay time after time, of the 4 times I’ve pulled Japan out of the cup, the Axis have won 2. My Axis partner, this was the first time he’s pulled Germany, he’s had 10 or so games to see how everybody else has played the Axis. Yes Japan has taken some real beatings.