The point I´m trying to make is that after decades of diplomatic run-arounds, nothing in Iraq changed. Don´t make war? Ok, but what´s your alternative? How are you going to stop the torture, famine, disease etc.?
the problem with politicians is that they are good at politics, but not much else. There is very little imagination in the world today as far as dealing with complex problems. The simplest solutions are the ones we jump to - bomb, sanctions, etc. There is next to no elegance in what blairbush did, and although it “worked” i think that the whole thing has been muddled for the last 12 years, and better solutions have not been applied that may have worked better.
I´m not pro-war per se, but I didn´t see an alternative. A lot of people argued that embargos and what not didn´t have a chnce to make an impact. But they did. They hurt the civilians. Saddam wasn´t hurt by them. And the civilians didn´t get their forces together to overthrow him.
Sure, civilians died in the war. It was unavoidable. But how many died as a result of the war and how many would have died anyway due to hunger, treatable diseases, torture etc.? I realize this is coldhearted numbers-crunching, but that´s where it ends for me.
and how many died as a result of Saddam’s reprisals against western funded organizations blah blah blah.
And we caused the hunger, we set up a despot to torture these people, and we forbade this country simple medicines because of our hubris or because they contained life-saving nitrates.
As far as name-calling … You may be insulted by being called “pro-torture”, but how do you feel about calling someone “ignorant, rude, hateful”? Don´t assume I´ve had too little sleep, I´ll just assume that you´re drunk. :wink:
ug again. I didn’t call you that. I said that your statement might be read as that if interpreted in a bad light.