@dazedwit said in The Afrika Korps:
I have new ideas for this strategy.
G4 Sealion with all out economic warfare of convoys and SBR starting G1. The amount of money you can remove in first 3 turns is most of their income - lot less inf defending London. (The way you get there is up to you but new strat I want to try - buy AB and destroyer - you can also buy a trns or carry over the money. 2 subs to 106 - or if you’re frisky, one sub, and save the other to convoy 119;
2 subs to 91 to take out UK cruiser;
1 sub, 1 ftr to 109;
1 BB, 3 Tac, 2 ftr to 110
What would stop me from scrambling 4 fighters in SZ109, just wondering there is a verry good chance of killing both fighter and sub for just 1 destroyer ( or 1 fighter )
The BB in SZ110, can be attacked by the UK fleet of 1 BB 1 cruiser 1 destroyer with 3 fighters and 1 bomber. Could remove the bomber to do taranto, if you want to scramble 3 fighters in defence thats ok with me.
As UK gibastion is not an option now but you have a working BB in the area so id love to trade that for the german BB and a bunch of airforce.
Also 110 thats 1 BB 3 tacs and 2 fighters, so 3x@3 and 3@4 against the UK+scramble of 2x@3 and 4x@4 not a bad gamble for the UK to take either.