it is bc it opens the door for a german blitz.
key trick isnt the infantry thing thats too slow. daves move is to grab the tank off africa to add another one, and use the yugoslavia retreat trick with both germany and italy in sucession
I’ve noticed that many people seem to think that allowing Italy to take France greatly hampers Germany’s war effort. I used to agree with this opinion, then I started to daydream….
If Germany “Hit and Runned” France, then Italy took it, let’s look at the benefits and losses incurred by doing such an attack.
Italy gets 27 (probably more) IPCs on it’s next turn.
More income means Italy gets through Egypt and into Russia faster.
More pressure on Russia from south means Russia must move troops slightly out of position.
A stronger Italy delays the Italy Crush that America and Britain will likely try.
A stronger Italy means a weaker Britain and a more sweaty Russia.
Sealion is still possible, and frankly you’ll have your war machines in West German after the retreat, so it’s okay.
A smaller 2nd turn German Buy, around 37 IPCs (with Finland, Normandy/Bordeaux, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia ((<-- unless you strafe to Romania, though at that point you’re being a bit TOO nice to Italy xD)) . This means less versatility in German purchases (which I know lots of people enjoy)
A more difficult push into Russia for Germany. (Will eventually be eased by Italy, but not for a while)
Loss of an IC in France. (I imagine Italy wouldn’t be able to drop as much defence as Germany in the case of Overlord.)
That’s all I can think of right now.
Anyways, I’m just wondering has anyone tried out the Italian France, and how has it worked?
Also, why not give it a try? Any feedback is appreciated.
I’m also curious about the merits of an Italian France. Sure it seems great to give Italy an extra cash infusion early, but at the expense of Germany, I think it might be too much. In the end, the axis can’t win the game without a successful barbarossa, and I think depriving them of 17 early IPCs plus 4 IPCs a turn might be the straw to break the camel’s back (or in this case, the loss of income to break Germany’s economy, or something like that…)
Italy can still be successful in the game without an early 17 IPCs, and in my opinion the most important thing for the axis is to prepare for a successful barbarossa. If the Russian front gets bogged down, it’s only a matter of time before the 65 IPC American war machine reaches the gates of Western Europe and causes serious problems for Italy and Germany. What are everyone else’s thoughts on this?
If italy takes France it happens. Sometimes it is worth it to throw a curve at more experienced players who are used to certain things happening.
Overall i would rather have one 60 ipc country with a ten ipc sidekick to attack with than two 35s. Just easier and you can still save the sidekick for can opener moves.
In a game where italy has a dedicated player letting them take france gives that fella more to do
Well, if Italy takes France then Germany should have Yugo and Greece. A strong Italy is very effective. If Britain loses most of Africa there are less UK invasions. And very often (actually in all my games so far) I have seen Ialian soldiers take over Middle Earth, eh, the Middle East and invade Southern Russia. Russia must send troops to stop Italy and that means less troops fighting Germany.
I don’t think Italy needs it to become strong enough, but it does happen sooner. And building 1 or 2 inf every turn in France to help the Atlantik Wall helps the Germans out too.
It also depends on what turn Barbarossa is planned. On G2 or G3 the extra French IPC’s are very needed. I am a fan however of G4. By then the 17 IPC are relatively worth less, because all your troops (inc Bulgarians) will have gattered on the front and you will have collected income from Greece and Yugo a couple of turns.
It might not hamper Germany if something happens like what happened in a game I played over the weekend. Germany failed to take France, leaving about 5 pieces. Italy took it on their turn but just barely. I took it back as France with two inf and art. Germany took it back again so they got to collect the income as well. So Italy had 32 ipcs round 1 and by round 2 Ger had the 60some ipcs.
Did you place the 4 free inf in Paris for France?
Did you place the 4 free inf in Paris for France?
Yes. And I got a third round of good returns. I doubt I’ll see another game any time soon where France puts up that much of a fight.