• I was extremely excited today because my AAE40 was supposed to come on Sept 2, but it’s already here!  Woohoo!  After setting it up, I was pretty overwhelmed by how awesome it is: the Eastern Front (and Asia) is phenomenal (4 territories to Moscow, that’s huge!), I really like the French blue and the infantry mold, the Russian mech inf cracks me up for some reason (but looks awesome), the board is perfectly flat and the crease isn’t too bad and the 2 boards line up well, the U-boat screen looks really intimidating, and the neutrals are really interesting (Turkey effectively solves the Italy invasion, sweet).  There are plenty of gray chips left and the dice are very nice, and it’s hilarious to me that Germany, the territory with Berlin in it, only gets a minor IC (I suppose the major IC in West Germany is supposed to represent the Ruhr industrial district).

    Unfortunately, I was extremely pissed about the French destroyer and cruiser: I thought WOTC were geniuses for making all destroyers have flat sterns and cruisers have pointy ones.  Then I set up France’s navy, and I thought I was missing all the cruisers, but no, they look exactly the same!  Why, oh why…it was almost perfect.

    Then I set up Pacific next to it: wow, the sheer scale amazed me.  But, how can two games with vastly different quality come from the same company?  In Pacific, the boards don’t line up straight and bend upwards, some Japanese destroyers have severe bends on them, not enough Japanese tac bombers, and I run out of gray chips in the set up.

    But now I get to do my favorite part of getting a new A&A game: sitting and staring at it, coming up with first turn moves and planning strategies.  Woohoo!

    Edit: while I have a post already up…the British and US NO’s for taking Normandy, Holland, and West Germany: is that 5 IPCs once per game for each territory, or once for any of them?  In other words, if the UK takes Normandy, it gets 5 IPCs.  If it takes Holland the next turn, does it get another 5 IPCs?  And I assume that it’s only once per game, so if Germany retakes a territory and either US or UK takes it again, they don’t get the extra 5 IPCs again.  But I love how it sets up US/UK competition, Patton/Montgomery style…maybe it should be extended to Sicily also.

  • It’s once per game.

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