Global 1940 Cold War goes Hot Scenario

  • Thanks for the aar. Sounds like you had a great game.

    I’ll look into your suggestions about adding NATO stuff in Southern France and revising the UK NO. :)

    Looks like the 1946 scenario “works as designed”. Russia can quickly overrun Europe and has a good shot at India and the middle east, but US and UK have the long term economic and naval power to roll things back.

    Please let me know if you get to play a second game. :)

  • we might actually play a second game tonight.

  • I’ve been working on revisions to the NOs and setup for the 1946 scenario. I’m still working on balancing all of this. Revised setup will go on first page after I feel more comfortable with the balance.

    set up changes
    Southern France: 1 minor industrial complex, 1 anti-aircraft gun, 1 naval base, 2 infantry, 1 armor

    National Objectives

    Soviet Union
    When the Soviet Union is at War
    1. Collect 3 IPCs per turn for each continental European territory the Soviet Union controls. Territories with soviet roundels painted on the map are considered to be soviet national territory and do not count towards this. Turkey is considered to be part of continental Europe. Mediterranean islands do not count for this. Theme: Conquest of Europe.

    2. Collect 10 IPCs per turn that the USSR controls the United Kingdom. Theme: High National prestige.

    3. Collect 3 IPCs per turn for each of the following territories controlled by the USSR: Iraq, Persia, Eastern Persia, Northwest Persia, and Saudi Arabia. Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves and warm water ports.

    4. Collect 3 IPCs per turn for each of the following territories controlled by the USSR: Union of South Africa, Gold Coast, South West Africa, Belgian Congo, India, West India, Egypt, Transjordan, Philippines, French Indo China, Korea, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Celebes. Theme: Support from leftist  Anti-Colonial movements.

    5. Collect 10 IPCs, once, for Soviet capture of EACH of the following victory cities: Paris, Rome, London, New South Wales, Tokyo, San Francisco, Washington, and Ottawa. Theme: “Reparations” from the Imperialists.

    6. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for each territory in the Americas (including the West Indies) controlled by the USSR. Theme: Contesting the Monroe Doctrine.

    Communist China
    1.Collect 6 IPCs per turn if Amur and Manchuria are in communist hands. Theme: Sino-Soviet treaty aid.

    2.Collect 3 IPCs per turn if Korea is under communist control. Theme: Sino-Korean communist alliance.

    3.Collect 10 ipcs per turn if Nationalist China has been removed from the board. Theme: Final victory over the reactionaries.

    United Kingdom
    (UK NO income may be split between London and Calcutta. Divy out the money immediately after calculating your NO income.)
    When the United Kingdom is at War with the USSR
    1. Collect 10 IPCs per turn if there are no Soviet submarines on the Europe map with the following exceptions: The Baltic Sea (113 -114 -115), The Black Sea (100), the white sea (127), the Mediterranean (92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99),  and  the Caspian Sea. Theme: Control of the Atlantic ensures US aid and reinforcements.

    2. Collect 25 IPCs per turn if the United Kingdom controls all of its original territories on the Europe and Pacific maps. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.

    3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for EACH of the following territories, Novgorod (Leningrad), Amur, Novosibirsk, Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow) controlled by the allies. Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.

    When NATO is at War with the USSR
    1.Collect 5 IPCs per turn if there are no Soviet submarines on the Europe map with the following exceptions: The Baltic Sea (113 -114 -115), The Black Sea (100), the white sea (127), the Mediterranean (92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99),  and  the Caspian Sea. Theme: Control of the Atlantic ensures US aid and reinforcements.

    2.Collect 5 IPC per turn if NATO controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is pro-Allies or Allied-controlled. Theme: Access to Iron Ore and other strategic resources.

    3.Collect 3 IPCs per turn for each continental European territory the allies control. Territories with soviet roundels painted on the map are considered to be soviet national territory and do not count towards this. Turkey is considered to be part of continental Europe. Mediterranean islands do not count for this. Theme: Defense of Europe against communist aggression.

    4.Collect 10 IPCs per turn if NATO controls all of its original territories on the Europe and Pacific maps. Theme: Maintenance of their colonial empires considered vital national objective.

    When ANZAC is at war with the USSR
    1.Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the Allies control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain and the Solomon Islands. Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter

    2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the Allied powers control Malaya and ANZAC controls all of its original territories. Theme: Malaya considered strategic cornerstone to Far East British Empire.

    3.Collect 5 IPCs per turn for EACH of the following territories, Novgorod (Leningrad), Amur, Novosibirsk, Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow) controlled by the allies. Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.

    Nationalist China
    1. Collects 6 IPCs per turn if the Burma Road is totally open. The Allies must control India, Burma, Yunnan and Szechwan for this to occur. Theme: Chinese military supply line corridor.

    2. Collect 3 IPCs per turn if Korea is under allied control. Theme: Sino-Korean anti-communist alliance.

    3. Collect 10 ipcs per turn if Communist China has been removed from the board. Theme: Final victory over the red butchers.

    When the United States is at war with the USSR.
    1. The IPC value of the Western United States raises from 10 to 50 immediately upon war. This change is permanent. Should the west coast be subsequently captured by the Soviet Union then Russia’s income would go up by 50 ipcs rather than just 10. Theme: Wartime economy.

    2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn when the Soviet Union does not control a single territory in the Americas (including the west indies). Theme: Monroe Doctrine.

    3. Collect 5 IPC per turn if the Allies control all of the 7 following islands. Midway, Wake, Marianas, Iwo Jima, Caroline, Solomon Islands and Guam. Theme: Islands considered to be vital strategic forward bases

    4. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling both the Philippines and Japan. Theme: Centers of American influence in Asia.

  • playing it again tonight with the new changes. will be sure to let you know how it goes. :-D

  • Great. I’ll be playing it tomorrow.

    I have 2 more National objectives to add

    Communist china
    1. Collect 3 ipcs per turn for each turn that Hong Kong is under communists control. Theme: Liberation of Chinese territory from the imperialists.

    Nationalist China
    2. Collect 5 ipcs per turn for each turn that all of Mongolia is under allied control. Theme: Liberation of Chinese territory from the communists.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Can you post a starting map?

  • @Emperor:

    Can you post a starting map?

    You mean with the pieces set up? I could try to take pictures tomorrow

  • 2007 AAR League



    Can you post a starting map?

    You mean with the pieces set up? I could try to take pictures tomorrow

    A starting map using Abattlemap’s G40 module.

  • my group played tonight. we’re continuing tomorrow night same time.

    recap of what happened:
    Turn 1,2 war want declared. America took Spain and Russia made numerous Atlantic naval builds in an attempt to take the UK. the Americans grouped off Iceland to deter the USSR. major battles in china.

    turn 3: soviet failed attack on turkey, took west Germany, Denmark, northern Italy, all at heavy losses. they also took Greece. took out the American carrier group but it didn’t matter b/c of the pacific reinforcements. American fleet survived with some loss but remained for the most part intact. Russia lost most of its far east aircraft due to the national Chinese AA gun, and with that lost a major portion of the red army in that battle. the us counterattacked and took northwest Persia, and caucuses, and reinforced the NATO fleet off of Greece. British forces are moving up through Africa, and the middle east to help with the drive though the south. the Americans are building up for 2 amphibious landings: 1 in the east to halt the commie troops in china and the other in southern northern Italy to take it back.

    the game is great. i like the new bonuses and changes. the setup is great. ill let you know how the rest of the game turns out tomorrow evening.

  • Great news, polo! Sounds very exciting.

    Emperor, I don’t know much about battlemap but I dled it and threw this together fr you.

    Latest rules and setup are in that list as well.

    edit: There is a slight problem. Sweden should be marked as pro allied. I won’t bother making a new revisions just yet, however.
    edit: doh! uruguay should have a us control marker on it

  • my group really wants to play your 1960 scenario. but take your time. we want it to be at least as good as your 1946 set up. keep up the good work

  • This is well done! I am also working on a cold war 1940 map based mod, but research is taking a while.
    Mines is set at a differnent time (60s), allowing France to be withdrawn from NATO and neutral, Letting them decide their fate.
    What are your nuke rules?

  • @poloplayer15:

    my group really wants to play your 1960 scenario. but take your time. we want it to be at least as good as your 1946 set up. keep up the good work

    I’m going to focus on 1946 right now, but there will be a 60s version.


    This is well done! I am also working on a cold war 1940 map based mod, but research is taking a while.
    Mines is set at a differnent time (60s), allowing France to be withdrawn from NATO and neutral, Letting them decide their fate.
    What are your nuke rules?

    I don’t have any nuke rules for the 1946 scenario.  I’m struggling with how to handle nukes for a 60s scenario. On question is should there be tactical nuclear weapons? It seems that their use could quickly spiral into a full scale nuclear holocaust.
    Yet, if you are going to have nukes as a strategic weapon then there should still be damage to units in the province attacked. generally speaking those troops would be rendered “ineffective” by such a strike. Of course you’d have armor with better nbc protection (perhaps as a tech). So you’d have to have a system where nukes severally damaged infrastructure and had a large percent chance to destroy infantry and artillery with a lesser chance to destroy armor.

  • Hey Emp you know how I can open Danny’s media file? I don’t have the right program.

  • we played another game. this time i was USSR and Communist China. turn 1 i got super lucky and destroyed the fleet off japan and kept all my fighters and my bomber(lost the tac bombers). took Persia, turkey, Greece, west Germany, Denmark, Norway, Iraq, and northern Italy. china had made large gains and the allies were struggling to stop me.

    turn 2 i took pairs, Rome, Syria, sunk the NATO med fleet, and took more Chinese territories. the Chinese took shanghai and had the nationalist on the ropes.

    turn three the USSR made a whooping 218 ipc!!! it had more but lost it to convoys. by this time the Chinese campaign was all but over, USSR was on the verge of conquering Egypt, therefore opening up Africa, it was starting to challenge the allied naval superiority and had taken all of continental Europe.

    flaws we noted on: for the British NO “2. Collect 25 IPCs per turn if the United Kingdom controls all of its original territories on the Europe and Pacific maps. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.” is it for original territory or for conquered territories like Iraq? also we think that the USSR need more ships and planes. also it needs another ally. maybe start the game right before the Korean war. just a thought. keep it up we really like the mod!

  • One flaw I always see is 1: to many units and 2: the USSR doesn’t have a big enough navy or economy.

  • at first i thought USSR didn’t have enough money or navy and that i didn’t have enough sculpts. but for the sculpts we just use Japanese pieces. with their economy you have to use the bonuses that dannyboy2016 posted, because that way you make a TON of money. last game i made 225ipc on the third turn, but lost 7 due to convoy raids and rocket attacks.  but i agree with you about the lack of navy. also they should have more air power.

  • Danny boy. Why is Finland communist. I thought they weren’t occupied after the second world war.
    Also were planing on making cold war techs or Vietnam Korea civil war rules.

  • @poloplayer15:

    at first i thought USSR didn’t have enough money or navy and that i didn’t have enough sculpts. but for the sculpts we just use Japanese pieces. with their economy you have to use the bonuses that dannyboy2016 posted, because that way you make a TON of money. last game i made 225ipc on the third turn, but lost 7 due to convoy raids and rocket attacks.  but i agree with you about the lack of navy. also they should have more air power.

    Thank you for your input. I’ll look into those issues further. :)


    Danny boy. Why is Finland communist. I thought they weren’t occupied after the second world war.
    Also were planing on making cold war techs or Vietnam Korea civil war rules.

    Well, Finland and USSR didn’t actually sign their peace treaty until 1947. My understanding is that the Soviets maintained a garrison near Helsinki at Porkkala until the 1950s. There is also the whole finlandization phenomenon where Finland accommodated the USSR and, in return, was allowed to continue its independent existence. Given that I assumed that in the event of an early Cold War goes hot Finland would either be forced to assist the USSR (as with the Lapland War) or Soviet forces would swiftly put Kuusinen in charge of Helsinki. Plus there is the issue of the massive reparations that Finland had to pay the USSR whereby the USSR basically absorbed Finland’s ipcs from the war’s end until the 1950s.

    Still working on that. It is coming.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You could have a side game that dictate nuclear threat level. You know, have a threshold set at so many points, and if you reach it each side destroys the other, and you BOTH lose.

    it could kind of represent the people within each country who were working against, but for each other, to prevent nuclear devestation.  Kind of like the cooperative LOTR game, that no one ever wins lol.

    You could sabotage or destroy enemy missle silos, and launch facilities, have commanders defect,  use foriegn aid concepts and other stuff, etc etc etc, to avoid outright cross nuclear devestation.

    Or something lol I dunno.  That might be a whole other game.

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