• Customizer

    France and Italy both surrendered before their capitals were captured.

    Hitler ignored the pleas to head for Moscow in order to destroy the Russian army in the field and gain the more valuable oil of the Caucasus.

    Germany was essentially defeated economically by the capture of the West German Ruhr industries, rather than the fall of distant Berlin.

    Britain would not have stopped fighting if the Germans had captured London.

    I don’t think ANY capital was captured in WWI, certainly not of the major powers.

    http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JnB7cM1zUG4C&pg=PA203&lpg=PA203&dq=hitler+capture+moscow+ossified&source=bl&ots=D-Bq_rh7NF&sig=ZnElVzM4lQfzomyDcbKzUv0pVC0&hl=en&ei=Gld5TIbUFsuk4Abg44SWBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=hitler capture moscow ossified&f=false

  • @Flashman:

    France and Italy both surrendered before their capitals were captured.

    Hitler ignored the pleas to head for Moscow in order to destroy the Russian army in the field and gain the more valuable oil of the Caucasus.

    Germany was essentially defeated economically by the capture of the West German Ruhr industries, rather than the fall of distant Berlin.

    Britain would not have stopped fighting if the Germans had captured London.

    I don’t think ANY capital was captured in WWI, certainly not of the major powers.

    http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JnB7cM1zUG4C&pg=PA203&lpg=PA203&dq=hitler+capture+moscow+ossified&source=bl&ots=D-Bq_rh7NF&sig=ZnElVzM4lQfzomyDcbKzUv0pVC0&hl=en&ei=Gld5TIbUFsuk4Abg44SWBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=hitler capture moscow ossified&f=false

    France surrendered on June 22, Paris fell on June 14.

  • I’m still unsure about people saying that this is the optimal strategy. Although I think something we could do to make the game a little more realistic would be to institute unit counts for each country based on the populations of the powers. Like Russia could have up to 75 units on the board at once, Germany 60, Italy 30, etc. IDK how that would work but I think it could help the people that still cry the inf. push mechanic is king.

  • @maverick_76:

    I’m still unsure about people saying that this is the optimal strategy. Although I think something we could do to make the game a little more realistic would be to institute unit counts for each country based on the populations of the powers. Like Russia could have up to 75 units on the board at once, Germany 60, Italy 30, etc. IDK how that would work but I think it could help the people that still cry the inf. push mechanic is king.

    Not units, inf. And it should be total inf in the entire game. If a division dies, it can’t be replaced without depleting the manpool. Other units would have to be limited by resourses of the country, and this become very complicated when you capture/lose resourse territories

  • You know the other thing we could do is maybe make infantry that are not supported by a mechanical unit and are defending by themselves essentially, maybe make them defend at 1. That way a defender has to complement every infantry he purchases with a tank/fighter/artillery/etc. in order to get the defense bonus. I just think that would make it in all honesty a little more realistic when you are making your purchases for powers like Russia, they can’t just have super-stacks of infantry anymore unless they just want to defend at 1.

  • Probaly love to face my Russian opponent. Japan attacked on J2, Germany waited till G4. The russian player did not try to seize any neutrals. He refused to fight with his 18 infantry, always backing up. He never sent any troops east to help. And the units he bought waiting on the germans were anything but infantry.

  • I’m guessing he lost….?

  • Capturing capitals was almost always the primary goal: it’s a symbolic act, and they are typically the centers of power, either economically, culturally, politically, etc.  The reason the Europe board is set up the way it is now is because Hitler ignored the more strategic goal of crushing the UK at Dunkirk and instead went towards Paris (no UK troops in the Normandy territory).  After the mistaken bombing of London, Hitler continued because he thought it would wear the British down, and England retaliated by sending a bombing mission to Berlin, even though it was mostly useless.  The invasion of Poland was focused mainly on capturing Warsaw, and the Polish fought very hard to defend it.  And I thought it was common knowledge that if Hitler had not called off the Moscow offensive to divert to Stalingrad, the Germans would’ve triumphed because of how the Russian society, military, communication network, etc was set up (all centralized to maintain control).

    So, I have no problems with how capitals are set up now.  Is it a more interesting goal to capture all the useless East Russian territory?  I don’t think so.  And as others have said, you don’t need a capital capture to win the game.  Maybe it’s more efficient in terms of number of turns to destroy the enemy, but it’s always the most heavily defended territory and requires the most IPC investment.

  • Has anybody tried building multiple minor IC’s in southern Russia as Germany?  It seems like Germany could build one in Western Ukraine, then Ukraine, and then even Rostov.  All of these territories are only two spaces away from Moscow.

    I’ve only played one game, as USSR, I was admittedly playing defense not very aggressively, giving up some territory and waiting for Germany to overextend herself so I could strike back with my stacks of infantry and artillery.  But Germany didn’t attack until G4 and was advacing very efficiently herself.  But it seems like there are too many territories in the south to defend, and it occured to me after the game that it would have been a good idea for Germany to build multiple minor complexes in the southern territories to drastically shorten her supply lines.  Ideally Germany will have some transports in the north from the sealion/fake sealion action to deal with Leningrad, but the south is further away.  Three minors can produce 90% as much as a major, only cost 6 more, and don’t cripple the rest of your builds quite so much in any given turn.  Thoughts?

  • If they could find the IPC’s and the turns necessary to do this, then sure.  How they pull that off is another question entirely.

  • Yeah, how Germany pulls it off is certainly not resolved.  And like I said, I’ve only played once.  But in my mind it seems its going to take 10-12 rounds for the Axis to reach 14 cities.  And if they don’t do it before then, America will have made too much progress fighting back.  Even if Germany doesn’t attack Russia until turn 4, the first minor complex can likely be built turn 6, and the 2nd and 3rd on the 7th and 8th, respectively.  This gives you 3-5 rounds of being able to pump in up to 9 infantry right on the front line, with the tanks rolling in from western Germany.  This should enable the conquest of certainly Stalingrad and likely Moscow, especially with Japan picking up all the scraps in eastern Russia.

    This is certainly not a guaranteed path to victory, but I think it could be a decent idea in the right circumstances.  I tend to not have enough urgency in my thinking though, so maybe America is nipping to far into France by round 12 for this to work.

  • I think I’d rather spend those IPC on mechs, tanks or planes.

  • You guys keep talking about buying Minor Industrial Complexes to get infantry to the front, but what about just building infantry?
    Play it kind of like old A&A europe.  Build a crapton of infantry the first turn.  something like 3 inf in Berlin, 7 inf in West germany for 1 or 2 rounds.  Start moving those Inf to the front on turn 2.  Turn 2-3 and beyond, buy a couple Inf for France and tanks/mech to catch up to the Inf on the front line.

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    I like the minor factory in Romania.  That helps gets units to the south which starts out sparesly defended.  One tricky thing to do is once you have a factory, buy 1 sub and place it in SZ100.  The UK will never get one of their bonuses (for no German subs on the board), and the only way they’ll be able to kill it is by taking Turkey and then moving through, or by having Russia build a factory and then a DD or two.  Both scenarios aren’t very likely.

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