In your opinion, what is strategically your favorite army to play and why?

  • @LHoffman:


    With Russia being as big as it is, I might try to play more defensive

    Wouldn’t Russia’s size cause you to play more offensively? With there being more space and longer time for the Germans to get to you… wouldn’t you be able to expand a bit? Granted if you buy only infantry you can’t do much attacking, especially with more space, but can’t the Russians be a bit more reckless with the extra territories? Or do you mean to screw the Germans over by trapping them in continual webs of never ending Soviet infantry… thus delaying the German advance until the other Allies can take some pressure off? That could work I guess.

    I will probably play conservatively at first though (with any country) because it is a new game and you need to feel it out.

    I don’t like seeing my units die.

  • I’d have to say my favorite is the US. Other than my personal bias, I just like to be the most powerful economic power, and I’ve found that in close games they’re most often the ones who cwin or loose the entire game. Russia is too defensive and doesn’t have enough options, the UK is fun, but really spread out and can’t always defend every front, Japan is overpowered in all of my games (AAP40 and AA Revised) and I don’t really like to play as them, and Germany starts strong, but it’s easy to make careless purchases and loose your advantage.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer




    With Russia being as big as it is, I might try to play more defensive

    Wouldn’t Russia’s size cause you to play more offensively? With there being more space and longer time for the Germans to get to you… wouldn’t you be able to expand a bit? Granted if you buy only infantry you can’t do much attacking, especially with more space, but can’t the Russians be a bit more reckless with the extra territories? Or do you mean to screw the Germans over by trapping them in continual webs of never ending Soviet infantry… thus delaying the German advance until the other Allies can take some pressure off? That could work I guess.

    I will probably play conservatively at first though (with any country) because it is a new game and you need to feel it out.

    I don’t like seeing my units die.

    Oh… you’re one of those guys….

    Just kidding. I mean, who does like to see their guys get killed? One of my friends that I play with sometimes will not even send US units into a territory to strategically disrupt an Axis power, knowing his guys will be killed. He is a little weird about that, treating them as if they were real soldiers or something… he is very anti-Japan when he plays too. Like, he will NEVER play as them.

    While I am an American Patriot, I don’t have the qualms he does. It is only a game after all. (Or is it…?)

  • '10

    Without a doubt, Germany with the U.S. a close second. All the allies usually gang up on the Germs and its fun to see if they can live until the Italians and Japanese can start to help them. In AA50 the Japanese usually have to send some planes or ships to help the Germs unless the U.S. player decides to try and take out the Japanese first like what happened in my last game. When playing the U.S. its fun to see how quick they can get involved and yet be effective when they do. The U.S. is so far away from the action and so weak its a challenge for them to get going and make a difference.

  • Russia or the UK for the challenge
    USA to ‘break the mold’ and challenge Japan

    I like to play the Allies because they are the underdogs

  • @LHoffman:


    After independence, the troops that fought for Japan were regarded as freedom fighters(which I don’t have a problem with per se, since they thought Japan would free India) and given good pension, but Indian troops who fought for the British are not

    Wouldn’t that make you angry with the UK, or the Indian government then, not Japan?

    Indian gov’t yes; not UK.

  • @LHoffman:




    With Russia being as big as it is, I might try to play more defensive

    Wouldn’t Russia’s size cause you to play more offensively? With there being more space and longer time for the Germans to get to you… wouldn’t you be able to expand a bit? Granted if you buy only infantry you can’t do much attacking, especially with more space, but can’t the Russians be a bit more reckless with the extra territories? Or do you mean to screw the Germans over by trapping them in continual webs of never ending Soviet infantry… thus delaying the German advance until the other Allies can take some pressure off? That could work I guess.

    I will probably play conservatively at first though (with any country) because it is a new game and you need to feel it out.

    I don’t like seeing my units die.

    Oh… you’re one of those guys….

    Just kidding. I mean, who does like to see their guys get killed? One of my friends that I play with sometimes will not even send US units into a territory to strategically disrupt an Axis power, knowing his guys will be killed. He is a little weird about that, treating them as if they were real soldiers or something… he is very anti-Japan when he plays too. Like, he will NEVER play as them.

    While I am an American Patriot, I don’t have the qualms he does. It is only a game after all. (Or is it…?)

    No I don’t care about their lives. I just want to have a bunch of units.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer




    I don’t like seeing my units die.

    Oh… you’re one of those guys….

    Just kidding. I mean, who does like to see their guys get killed? One of my friends that I play with sometimes will not even send US units into a territory to strategically disrupt an Axis power, knowing his guys will be killed. He is a little weird about that, treating them as if they were real soldiers or something… he is very anti-Japan when he plays too. Like, he will NEVER play as them.

    While I am an American Patriot, I don’t have the qualms he does. It is only a game after all. (Or is it…?)

    No I don’t care about their lives. I just want to have a bunch of units.

    Ah ha! Good one… You are a cold hearted person Dylan. But most of the time I feel the same way.

  • @LHoffman:




    I don’t like seeing my units die.

    Oh… you’re one of those guys….

    Just kidding. I mean, who does like to see their guys get killed? One of my friends that I play with sometimes will not even send US units into a territory to strategically disrupt an Axis power, knowing his guys will be killed. He is a little weird about that, treating them as if they were real soldiers or something… he is very anti-Japan when he plays too. Like, he will NEVER play as them.

    While I am an American Patriot, I don’t have the qualms he does. It is only a game after all. (Or is it…?)

    No I don’t care about their lives. I just want to have a bunch of units.

    Ah ha! Good one… You are a cold hearted person Dylan. But most of the time I feel the same way.

    But it’s the truth.

    Their plastic pieces that get thrown in plasitc bags (or they might even be chips!) Then when we leave like in Toy Story, they get out and do stuff.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    But it’s the truth.

    Their plastic pieces that get thrown in plasitc bags (or they might even be chips!) Then when we leave like in Toy Story, they get out and do stuff.

    Hey… I used to think that too! (I still hold that hope in my heart)… but it’s okay, once you turn 12 somebody will tell you that they don’t really come alive… WHOOPS!.. my bad, I just told you…

  • @LHoffman:


    But it’s the truth.

    Their plastic pieces that get thrown in plasitc bags (or they might even be chips!) Then when we leave like in Toy Story, they get out and do stuff.

    Hey… I used to think that too! (I still hold that hope in my heart)… but it’s okay, once you turn 12 somebody will tell you that they don’t really come alive… WHOOPS!.. my bad, I just told you…

    Just go see Toy Story 3 and all the magic will come back!

  • @LHoffman:


    But it’s the truth.

    Their plastic pieces that get thrown in plasitc bags (or they might even be chips!) Then when we leave like in Toy Story, they get out and do stuff.

    Hey… I used to think that too! (I still hold that hope in my heart)… but it’s okay, once you turn 12 somebody will tell you that they don’t really come alive… WHOOPS!.. my bad, I just told you…


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer




    But it’s the truth.

    Their plastic pieces that get thrown in plasitc bags (or they might even be chips!) Then when we leave like in Toy Story, they get out and do stuff.

    Hey… I used to think that too! (I still hold that hope in my heart)… but it’s okay, once you turn 12 somebody will tell you that they don’t really come alive… WHOOPS!.. my bad, I just told you…


    Sorry… didn’t mean to make you cry.

    But, as for our main topic here… I say overall the most fun power to play with… combining most options, least stress, most power and most enjoyable: has to be the UK. Not that the UK is THE best in all of these, but it has the highest average.

  • I don’t get that, why would you want to have some unreinforced colonies, and be stuck on an island and have your navy against a strong airforce! Like if you want Egypt back you have to give up India, or if you do fight on in India you will most likely lose Africa! Australia and New Zealand are sitting ducks. The only good one is Canada, because you will likely have it the whole game (unless it’s total war,) and their is some changes of coarse now, but I have to wonder if it’s too much

  • @Dylan:

    I don’t get that, why would you want to have some unreinforced colonies, and be stuck on an island and have your navy against a strong airforce! Like if you want Egypt back you have to give up India, or if you do fight on in India you will most likely lose Africa! Australia and New Zealand are sitting ducks. The only good one is Canada, because you will likely have it the whole game (unless it’s total war,) and their is some changes of coarse now, but I have to wonder if it’s too much

    Well, that’s true in Revised/42/Anniversary, but not in Euro40. In E40, India can’t be threatened until turn 3(by Japan if it does a J1, which won’t happen in global). Egypt won’t fall on the 1st turn(hopefully), and Africa is reinforcable from the SA IC. This global game will truly represent the UK’s global power. It will have factories in 4 continents, 5 if you count Australia. As Larry said, the British Empire will be holding the line against the axis until the US and USSR enter the war. Britain, in Euro and Global, will be the player who must be depended on to do well. If Britain falls, the axis will win.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I don’t get that, why would you want to have some unreinforced colonies, and be stuck on an island and have your navy against a strong airforce! Like if you want Egypt back you have to give up India, or if you do fight on in India you will most likely lose Africa! Australia and New Zealand are sitting ducks. The only good one is Canada, because you will likely have it the whole game (unless it’s total war,) and their is some changes of coarse now, but I have to wonder if it’s too much

    I have never found playing as the UK to be all that bad. At least, in the other Global versions. It could be more challenging having a split income in Global 40, but I don’t know since I obviously have not played it yet. I think that having a split income like they do (in Global 40) is more accurate, if nothing else. I would not advocate for a seperate Canada though… bad idea.

    It has been my experience that Germany very, very rarely has any opportunity or resources to make a Sealion style attack on Britain. And as for the Luftwaffe… they are deadly on turn 1, sinking many British ships. They remain dangerous on the next couple turns… but after a while, as Germany inevitably loses some planes, the German player is forced to devote them to the Eastern front, because it becomes utterly suicidal to fight Britain’s reconstructed Navy with them.

    The Africa/India situation is a challenge certainly. India must be held… or you need a big trump card waiting to compensate for it’s loss. But then it must be taken back quickly. Africa cannot be ignored either, though it has been in the past, arguably, less important than India. But that is where the FUN comes in… the challenge of balancing your forces in the best way and implementing the best strategies. As for Australia, I have found it to be generally wasteful for Japan to take Australia. Their main concern is India and the rest of Asia, not Australia. Granted, since ANZAC now has money that must be spent down there, it may change. But it still remains that focus #1 is India and the the rest of Asia.

    I enjoy the challenge of playing the UK.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    I don’t get that, why would you want to have some unreinforced colonies, and be stuck on an island and have your navy against a strong airforce! Like if you want Egypt back you have to give up India, or if you do fight on in India you will most likely lose Africa! Australia and New Zealand are sitting ducks. The only good one is Canada, because you will likely have it the whole game (unless it’s total war,) and their is some changes of coarse now, but I have to wonder if it’s too much

    Well, that’s true in Revised/42/Anniversary, but not in Euro40. In E40, India can’t be threatened until turn 3(by Japan if it does a J1, which won’t happen in global). Egypt won’t fall on the 1st turn(hopefully), and Africa is reinforcable from the SA IC. This global game will truly represent the UK’s global power. It will have factories in 4 continents, 5 if you count Australia. As Larry said, the British Empire will be holding the line against the axis until the US and USSR enter the war. Britain, in Euro and Global, will be the player who must be depended on to do well. If Britain falls, the axis will win.

    Umm what continents, like

    Asia, Africa, Europe, and N. America

    where in Africa, where in N. America???

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer




    I don’t get that, why would you want to have some unreinforced colonies, and be stuck on an island and have your navy against a strong airforce! Like if you want Egypt back you have to give up India, or if you do fight on in India you will most likely lose Africa! Australia and New Zealand are sitting ducks. The only good one is Canada, because you will likely have it the whole game (unless it’s total war,) and their is some changes of coarse now, but I have to wonder if it’s too much

    Well, that’s true in Revised/42/Anniversary, but not in Euro40. In E40, India can’t be threatened until turn 3(by Japan if it does a J1, which won’t happen in global). Egypt won’t fall on the 1st turn(hopefully), and Africa is reinforcable from the SA IC. This global game will truly represent the UK’s global power. It will have factories in 4 continents, 5 if you count Australia. As Larry said, the British Empire will be holding the line against the axis until the US and USSR enter the war. Britain, in Euro and Global, will be the player who must be depended on to do well. If Britain falls, the axis will win.

    Umm what continents, like

    Asia, Africa, Europe, and N. America

    where in Africa, where in N. America???

    Ontario and Egypt right? Or is it South Africa?

  • @Dylan:



    I don’t get that, why would you want to have some unreinforced colonies, and be stuck on an island and have your navy against a strong airforce! Like if you want Egypt back you have to give up India, or if you do fight on in India you will most likely lose Africa! Australia and New Zealand are sitting ducks. The only good one is Canada, because you will likely have it the whole game (unless it’s total war,) and their is some changes of coarse now, but I have to wonder if it’s too much

    Well, that’s true in Revised/42/Anniversary, but not in Euro40. In E40, India can’t be threatened until turn 3(by Japan if it does a J1, which won’t happen in global). Egypt won’t fall on the 1st turn(hopefully), and Africa is reinforcable from the SA IC. This global game will truly represent the UK’s global power. It will have factories in 4 continents, 5 if you count Australia. As Larry said, the British Empire will be holding the line against the axis until the US and USSR enter the war. Britain, in Euro and Global, will be the player who must be depended on to do well. If Britain falls, the axis will win.

    Umm what continents, like

    Asia, Africa, Europe, and N. America

    where in Africa, where in N. America???

    The British Empire will have factories in the UK(Europe), Quebec or Ontario(North America), India(Asia), South Africa(Africa), and New South Wales(Australia)

    I say Quebec or Ontario since Ontario is where the VC is but Quebec has more access to the Atlantic

  • Not to jump on the bandwagon or anything, but I really like playing as Britian in AA revised and AA50. Britian is never “stuck” in Europe, espically when you start buying IC and sticking them around the world. In AA revised, it was a standared opener for Britian to place a factory in India and center their fight against Japan, removing their focus from Europe outside the ocassional bombing run. If things got really bad in Africa, you’d see a factory pop up in SA later on, just to stablize the situation. As i’ve heard it put before, while the Soviets job is to suurvive, its Britians job to hold the line.

    I wonder if Frances addition to the game will change up some of Britians stratgies

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