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Why is the nazi logo it's self ever shown.
I heard beer doesn’t even taste that good.
It is an acquired taste, much like swastikas.
You guys are too much…
This game is about military strategy and not politics
That is why the Wehrmacht symbol is used :-)I totally agree, but for Germany during the war, the swastika was integrated into the military because it was the will of the facist government in power. Like it or not, the Nazi swastika became a symbol for the German military. I would bet that you could find it on Wehrmacht uniforms too. It was on ships, planes, tanks and all other property of the State. And as we have seen with Hitler: politics and military strategy were almost one and the same. I could give numerous examples to back that up.
And to be fair, I really hate it when people refer to the whole German military as “the Nazis” … like, “Nazi soldiers” or “Nazi planes” or whatever they might say… While it may be, in some ways, technically correct usage (being that equipment was the property of the Nazi State), not every German was a Nazi. Not all Germans were the genocidal ones. There were those, in the Wehrmacht and the Kriegsmarine and the Luftwaffe who were fighting to answer their countries call. Not eliminate Jews and Bolsheviks.
So I am fine with the Wehrmacht symbol. I think it is good and suitable. I am sure they could have done much worse.
I dont know. On one hand i would love the look of the schwastika on the AA map. Very powerful. great for gameplay.
on the other hand i never have had relatives and family members tortured and murdered on a mass scale under this symbol.
I dont think using it on the gameboard should directly cause someone to have emotional distress. it would be being used strickly in a historical context. only thing thou i worries me 60 yrs after the war that younger people become desensctised to the symbol and not associate it with the horrors it is connected with. I think pentagrams look cool, but i would never wear one around my neck becouse of what it represents to other people. -
Well maybe since we are not going to use swastikas, then maybe we should take Germany off the map and call it Axis Land, because as we all know it was the Germans that committed these atrocities, not the swastikas.
Because swastikas are banned in Germany, while Germany is not banned in Germany
Because swastikas are banned in Germany
And for a good reason indeed. Here in Spain Franco’s simbols are not banned and we get many of them in our streets yet today (a bit hidden but yet there) :-P A couple of yers ago a new law banned Franco’s statues from public places, but guess that: many mayors refuse to do it. I even saw some falangistas (Franco’s party) in some cars with their flags escorted by the police in Malaga last year, and I’m talking about XXIth century. Most of Spanish hate all that Franco represented, but there is still a active and powerfull minority that supports him, with pro-Franco books
So I can understand why Germans banned nazi simbols
Because swastikas are banned in Germany
And for a good reason indeed. Here in Spain Franco’s simbols are not banned and we get many of them in our streets yet today (a bit hidden but yet there) :-P A couple of yers ago a new law banned Franco’s statues from public places, but guess that: many mayors refuse to do it. I even saw some falangistas (Franco’s party) in some cars with their flags escorted by the police in Malaga last year, and I’m talking about XXIth century. Most of Spanish hate all that Franco represented, but there is still a active and powerfull minority that supports him, with pro-Franco books
So I can understand why Germans banned nazi simbols
Just like the dude said same with the South flag in the US.
that would be weird though. you know having germany banned in germany
Well after the war it was West Germany and East Germany
Yeah, well as far as the whole Rebel - Union thing in the United States … I don’t have an aversion to the South’s (Confederate States of America) flag. It is a part of history and I accept that. It has its purpose and it should be preserved. I even have one in my own home. (We don’t have it hanging on the porch though). What I don’t like is a bunch of Southerners who still think the war is on and that they should be seperated from the North. They are all delusional. The Union put the smackdown on and won the war. Yeah, maybe they still hold some novel grudge… They can get over it and accept the facts 140 some years later.
Granted it is not exactly the same, because Nazism was significantly more evil than the South was… and Nazism can be readily identified the world over.
Granted it is not exactly the same, because Nazism was significantly more evil than the South was… and Nazism can be readily identified the world over.
And yet the association with slavery is there.
As far as I know, in Canada both flags are prohibited from display on Government property.However more on topic, I can’t imagine anyone blowing a gasket over seeing playing pieces in a US Civil War game displaying the Rebel flag.
yeah really, i know the slave thing is bad, but mass genocide.@LHoffman:
Yeah, well as far as the whole Rebel - Union thing in the United States … I don’t have an aversion to the South’s (Confederate States of America) flag. It is a part of history and I accept that. It has its purpose and it should be preserved. I even have one in my own home. (We don’t have it hanging on the porch though). What I don’t like is a bunch of Southerners who still think the war is on and that they should be seperated from the North. They are all delusional. The Union put the smackdown on and won the war. Yeah, maybe they still hold some novel grudge… They can get over it and accept the facts 140 some years later.
Granted it is not exactly the same, because Nazism was significantly more evil than the South was… and Nazism can be readily identified the world over.
I am just so thankful that I live in a country where these kind of freedoms are not taken away.
I am just so thankful that I live in a country where these kind of freedoms are not taken away.
with freedom comes responsibility
I am just so thankful that I live in a country where these kind of freedoms are not taken away.
OK. So, I’ll bite. :-D
Do they often display the Nazi flag from Government buildings in your country or just for Hitler’s bday and things like that?#560
I am just so thankful that I live in a country where these kind of freedoms are not taken away.
OK. So, I’ll bite. :-D
Do they often display the Nazi flag from Government buildings in your country or just for Hitler’s bday and things like that?#560
Whoa … hold up. We as citizens have freedoms and rights to expression. We are responsible for them and we exercise them. Not our government.
Obviously our government does not display Nazi flags because that is not what our government is, nor what it supports. In fact, I don;t know of any time we have purposefullty displayed any colors but our own, even on other national holidays. I am not sure what you were getting at here BoxCars…
I too am glad that citizens have the right to freedom of speech here. It is regulated to some degree, but not nearly as much as in some other countries. Unfortunately, that does not look to be the case for long, but I digress.
I am just so thankful that I live in a country where these kind of freedoms are not taken away.
OK. So, I’ll bite. :-D
Do they often display the Nazi flag from Government buildings in your country or just for Hitler’s bday and things like that?#560
Whoa … hold up. We as citizens have freedoms and rights to expression. We are responsible for them and we exercise them. Not our government.
Obviously our government does not display Nazi flags because that is not what our government is, nor what it supports. In fact, I don;t know of any time we have purposefullty displayed any colors but our own, even on other national holidays. I am not sure what you were getting at here BoxCars…
Well I had remarked on a Government policy in Canada that treats the Nazi flag and Rebel flag as equally prohibited on Govt property, and BD announced that he was proud that his country didn’t restrict those freedoms.
I thought my question was pretty straight forward from that line of conversation.
Okay, I think I understand then… I would think I speak for him when I say that, yes, I am happy those freedoms are not assuaged here in America… at the very least I know of no such law prohibiting it. I think freedom of speech is a great hallmark of the United States of America. Even if I may not agree with someone’s views, I will stand with them to make sure they are allowed to say it.
I am just so thankful that I live in a country where these kind of freedoms are not taken away.
OK. So, I’ll bite. :-D
Do they often display the Nazi flag from Government buildings in your country or just for Hitler’s bday and things like that?
#560My comment was not in direct response to your post. It was a general statement and more along the lines of what LHoffman is stating. I should hire him as my lawyer next time I need one.
But no country has absolute freedom of speech. You’re not allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater, if there is no fire.
But no country has absolute freedom of speech. You’re not allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater, if there is no fire.
Someone yelled bomb on a plane that I was on once.