Hey Guys,
I saw on Smorey Swamp that Commanders and Tactics WW2 Deck Building Game was played at Gencon. I have been trying to find the game on BGG with no luck. If anyone knows this game and can provide a link that would be awesome.
Thanks heaps
AH will be releasing BattleCry in November 2011 according to their 2011 catalog
Very cool. I will keep a sharp eye out for it.
Would an American Civil War themed game based off of A&A’s system work? I think it could. An USA map with all the major cities of the time, with their rivers and railways could really lend themselves to creating some interesting conflicts. Ironclads would be a nice addition. Everything in the way A&A plays could carry over with almost all the same pieces except air, unless lookout balloons could work.(?)
General - Key player (like conquest of Empires?)
Infantry - Infantry
Artillery - Cannon/Parrot gun
Tank - Cavalry
siege weapons & mortars
Battleship - Ironclad
Transports -
surgical hospitals or ambulance corps? :-)
Maybe campaign oriented? Viksburg would be a great start! :-D
How to simulate the South giving away their plans to the North in a box of cigars?
Would an American Civil War themed game based off of A&A’s system work?
Grand Army of The Republic is based on AA rules.
Eagle Games American Civil war is great. Love playing it (and their Napoleon in Europe) You just have to fix the atomic cavalry, or the South just wins all the time.
How to simulate the South giving away their plans to the North in a box of cigars?
Order 191!
I just got back from Antietam, Gettysburg, Harper’s Ferry, Manassas, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Fredericksburg, Spotslyvania, and Jackson’s Shrine.
This American War needs some serious attention. Make it happen Larry.
Anyone play the newly released Battle Cry? It appears to have 16 new campaigns added. It received great reviews. I ordered a copy.
Anniversary Battle Cry on BGG:
Isn’t the infantry officer a new piece?
Edit: My mistake, it’s an artillery observer.
New campaigns listed on the box back.
Sounds great. I ordered two copies. One from a local games store for $60. and one from Amazon @$50. w/free shipping. :)
No one has heard of AGEod’s American Civil War computer game?
My son just purchased it for $10 with Christmas Money. He thought it would be an action game but it is not. It is very detailed though and I’m still trying to figure out how to play it.