Thanks for responding and confirming Drunken Cat ( love the name! ).
So my friend posed a good question to me that usually doesn’t come up all that often.
I had 3 carriers with planes on them and wanted to use it to attack his navy. Being sure that I wasn’t going to have any pieces left after the battle (win by attrition) I chose to take the first few hits on my carriers. My planes did not have anywhere else to land, but I figured that if I was going to lose them anyways, might as well take the carriers that have no attack value first.
Can I do that? Can I send planes into battle knowing that the carriers are going to get trashed? Can I take the hits on the carriers, and just let the planes crash if they end up surviving?
What if there were two different battles involved? As in, I attack his fleet with just planes because they could land on a carrier that’s involved in another battle?
To put it simply… can carriers be taken as losses if they are vital to planes being able to land safely?
So my friend posed a good question to me that usually doesn’t come up all that often.
I had 3 carriers with planes on them and wanted to use it to attack his navy. Being sure that I wasn’t going to have any pieces left after the battle (win by attrition) I chose to take the first few hits on my carriers. My planes did not have anywhere else to land, but I figured that if I was going to lose them anyways, might as well take the carriers that have no attack value first.
Can I do that? Can I send planes into battle knowing that the carriers are going to get trashed? Can I take the hits on the carriers, and just let the planes crash if they end up surviving?What if there were two different battles involved? As in, I attack his fleet with just planes because they could land on a carrier that’s involved in another battle?
To put it simply… can carriers be taken as losses if they are vital to planes being able to land safely?
To put it simply… can carriers be taken as losses if they are vital to planes being able to land safely?
As I understand it, you’re allowed to make your attacks as “risky” as you want. As long as your planes have a landing spot “Assuming you win all battles”, you’re in the clear.
Our group was wondering the same thing and came to the same conclusion. In the new 1942 game I had a massive multinational allied fleet in SZ 12 including 3 russian subs of all things. Facing it was a fleet in SZ 14 consisting of a Jap and german battleship/loaded carrier combo along with 6 u-boats. It was in interesting situation, neither could attack the combined enemy with a divided attack force. From SZ 14 the axis could hit Moscow landing on an occupied eastern province with air power or SZ 17,18, 11, 9, 8 with the assumption the fighter(s) would land on a victorious carrier that single handedly destroyed a fleet of 4 CV, 8 FTR, 4 DD, 6 SS, 1 BB and 2 CC. It meant using a fair bit of capital ship resources to escort straggling/special mission transport fleets or hoping in vain he would trade a ftr and cv for 1 or 2 transports.
I could have used the Yanks earlier to clear the enemy in SZ 14 but early I required a long shuck train starting on the US seaboard, Canada, algeria and across the top of Africa into persia to guarantee control of africa and to overwhelm the 2 german transport shuck operation into Africa. I had enough fleet to defend, the Japs were trapped and would have put my america to africa shuck out of position.