Italy taking London?! Now I’m intrigued! That sounds crazy awesome. Have no idea how it could work. A risky move, no doubt. Like letting Italy clean up Paris after Germany does the dirty work. I’m a big fan of non traditional strategies.
How is France going to survive even 1 round?!?
You guys may have already discussed this, but could you bring me up to date on exactly how much money they will get and what they will be able to buy? I read that Germany goes first and France will likely fall in the first turn… will they be able to purchase units elsewhere (I would think infantry if nothing else)?
Sorry if this is all old ground for you.
Basically, Germany will be able to gain 17 ipcs on its 1st turn from France.
Are those 17 collected from capturing the capital and seizing their IPCs, or a combination of that and the territory value of France? I assume that the value of France will become a necessary addition to the German income pool, which is why I wonder about France’s per turn value for Germany.
France is a full power, but that doesn’t mean that it has a separate player. Just as China is controlled (separately) by one of the other Allied powers’ player in AAP40, France will be controlled by another power’s player in AAE40.
Technically, there is nothing that can stop a 5th player play China in AAP40, it’s just that any dude playing one of the minors is going to get bored soon (specially India, that has few to do after round 3-4 saving buy 1 inf and wait the death). AAP40 is a game that, in a realist way, can be played as much by 3 players: Japan, USA, and other playing the 3 minors
Same will apply to Global40: you could have a game with 10 players (USSR, UK, India, China, France, ANZAC, USA, Germany, Italy & Japan), but any player playing a lone minor will be bored soon. I guess, again, that the max viable number of players will be a bit less, in this case 7: USSR, UK, USA, allied minors, Germany, Italy and Japan
Are those 17 collected from capturing the capital and seizing their IPCs, or a combination of that and the territory value of France? I assume that the value of France will become a necessary addition to the German income pool, which is why I wonder about France’s per turn value for Germany.
France has 17ipc’s to start with, and Paris is probably 5 or 6 ipc’s worth.
Funcioneta is right……i will try to play with 7 players…but for the allied minors…i’ll try to put some rookie players on that mission
Funcioneta is right……i will try to play with 7 players…but for the allied minors…i’ll try to put some rookie players on that mission
What is your definition of ‘rookie players’?
Funcioneta is right……i will try to play with 7 players…but for the allied minors…i’ll try to put some rookie players on that mission
Maybe it’s just me, but I think that putting rookie players on France or China in a seven player game is asking for them to never play the game again. “Here, why don’t you dork around with these guys for 3 minutes, then wait an hour and a half for your next turn”
To me (and without having seen the full game, obv) the maximum the game can realistically support is 6 (Germany, USSR/France, Japan, UK/ANZAC, Italy, USA/China) or 5 if Italy isn’t enough to entertain a full player. That way each of the allied players has a major and a minor ally, and each allied player will have something to do in the beginning of the game and the end of the game. The Axis players will be fine, as they tend to have more activity per nation than the allies do.
Of course, personally, I prefer 1-on-1 or at most 2-on-1, though that may be in part due to availability of time and opponents.
Of course, personally, I prefer 1-on-1 or at most 2-on-1, though that may be in part due to availability of time and opponents.
A little off topic… but how many players do you usually play with (on the global versions)? Would I be atypical in saying that I usually play games involving 5 or 6 total people? … thereby maxing out teams…
I suppose it would not be quite so boring for an Allied player to have control over China, Fance and ANZAC. At least you’d be able to go more often, even if you are still a second rate element in the game. Even though Italy can be played solo, I typically find that to be terribly boring also. The only time we have a dedicated player for Italy is if we have 6 players, or one of us doesn’t want to put that much thought into that particular game. In all other cases, Italy is typically a German puppet… which, to have Axis victory, they almost have to be.
Rookie player….you know…i mean those who begin to play axis and allies…not some one who already play 50th anniversary each week…they got to learn in some ways and give them germany isn’t a good idea vs veterans
France + China + Anzac can be fun to play for some one who is new to axis and allies…and for the wait…from 1940 its just cool to see the world war 2 turn in new ways…
my opinion
Rookie player….you know…i mean those who begin to play axis and allies…not some one who already play 50th anniversary each week…they got to learn in some ways and give them germany isn’t a good idea vs veterans
France + China + Anzac can be fun to play for some one who is new to axis and allies…and for the wait…from 1940 its just cool to see the world war 2 turn in new ways…
my opinion
Well, my good Emperor, you might be right. It just really depends on what the player wants. If they are fine with playing as France or China or ANZAC, so be it. If they want to play as a major power, so be it.
That’s what I do with noobie players; I let them pick. Something, I’m sure, is a foreign concept around these parts. :wink:
That’s what I do with noobie players; I let them pick. Something, I’m sure, is a foreign concept around these parts. :wink:
“These parts…”? What are “these parts”, my good Frenchman?
That’s what I do with noobie players; I let them pick. Something, I’m sure, is a foreign concept around these parts. :wink:
“These parts…”? What are “these parts”, my good Frenchman?
“these parts” of the world
Nah, I mean by these forums. :-D
I typically play with 2-3 people. Too many people makes the game waaaay to slow and too few makes it too boring.