@clamoxyl Welcome to the forum.
Have you looked at https://boardgamegeek.com/ ?
Good luck.
Just got the game yesterday
Map - Well pretty nice (Even though mine was a lttle messed up on the fold line on one map board) largly a blown up version from the orginial A&A Pacific game board, Mexico, more of Canada, Russia and Alaska was nice to see but no Panama Canal (hope to see that in the Europe 1940 Boad) the canal was a Jap target more then once. Another nice point every thing was more realalic placed on the map Wake is now equal to Hawaii and not north of. But wheres Papua New Guinea on the map? Its on the old but gone on the new.
Units - a little beef, here not as nice scupts as in the past seems flaten in my set, and wheres a B-29 much more Iconic in the Pacific then anywhere else.
Game system
excelent as expceted now big but:
Marines, why were they left out I thought the unit and rule from the original were good enough
The set up, would have been nice to inclde a mid 42 set up.