How to stop the site requesting desktop notifications?? Please explain
Any estimate when the Avatars will be back up? Just wounderin…
whenever djensen gets the site fully up and running. he’s currently on vacation in colorado snowboarding, so it won’t be all the way back up for at least awhile
If they do get back up, they won’t be the same as before. Their files were destroyed, so we’d have new ones.
what types did you have? what were they
3 or 4 Linux Penguins, all the Political Control markers in Axis And Allies, a few old black and white WWII pictures of Generals and Ships.
not too shabby… i hope djensen can get em back up ASAP
I liked my Black Cross =(
:cry: I liked my line of battleships…
What the heck happened? Were they lost when the site was hacked last time?
By the way I still have all those old black and whites I sent in before.
Let me know if anyone wants them again.
Just wondering when and if Avatars are going to be available for use?
If you want to use pictures, use the tag instead of avatars. That way you won’t waste DJensen’s bandwidth and you can use any picture you like. :P
I miss my Typing Penguin!!!
:o :x :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Bring back the Linux Revolution!
Ok, since I’m so lazy, I’m going to turn on Avatar uploading for a few weeks/months/years. The idea is to run an avatar contest. The best avatars will become permantent. All others will be discarded.
However, one the first abuse of avatar uploading, I’ll turn it off.
Ok, avatar uploading has been fixed. You can now successfully upload an avatar 65x65.