So, I think I’m going to push this out another several months. To celebrate 25, I think I just want to get back into the swing of things. Maybe do a giveaway. Go to a bunch of events. And play lot’s of A&A. Be more active here.
It may be an open secret but I just don’t play a ton of A&A these days.
However, I really, really enjoyed playtesting Stalingrad last Fall. I played som D-Day with @The_Good_Captain recently. Two games in a row; first one he shut me out. Second one was closer but he won hands down. Despite the loss, it was awesome. The next day @rmorel and I played Anniversary edition with Dale (not sue if he’s here), my dice were on fire but even if they were not; it was a great time.
I’m going to do more of that. Work on the website. Run an event at GenCon, etc.