• @johnnymarr:

    BTW, this site is awesome!

    i agree and welcome!

    Thank you for the welcome Johnny.

    Brain Damaged, I’m curious, why do you want Italy to play next to the Soviet Union? Is it because you would prefer to see Italy take a shot at Africa before the UK has a chance to prepare?

    Tralis, I don’t think its too late, I mean Europe 40 is not out yet and the rules for the global game have probably not been printed yet either. But if it is, there are always house rules. I just find it weird that Japan can just take out China without much of a fight. Japan has tons of aircrafts to support their infantry and China starts with no AA Guns…

  • Hi all!  So when does Holland go in your game?  Or will they not have pieces at all?

  • I remember hearing that the game starts late enough in 1940 that there is UPN, that the low countries have all been invaded. But we’ll see soon enough I suppose. I really don’t think the Dutch will have their own pieces, though, if anything they’ll use another power’s pieces.

    As for AAP40, I’ve seen plenty of games where China does fine. Its all on what Japan focuses on. Last game I played, yesterday actually, Japan took Australia very early but as a result China pushed them back to the coast in some areas. Of course once Australia was gone Japan started to dedicate more resources to China, which got pushed back, but China is supposed to be a purely defensive power.

  • Sounds like a fun game!

  • @Dargoon:

    Brain Damaged, I’m curious, why do you want Italy to play next to the Soviet Union? Is it because you would prefer to see Italy take a shot at Africa before the UK has a chance to prepare?

    I think of Italy as the attacker and UK as the defender so that is why I chose Italy before UK.

  • Figuring out the turn order for Europe '40 game should be next on our list of things to do…

    Extrapolating from the Global '40 game, the most likely line-up for the Europe theatre is:

    1. Germany
    2. USSR
    3. UK & Canada
    4. Italy
    5. US
    6. France

    Any thoughts as to how this will play out?

  • @Make_It_Round:

    Figuring out the turn order for Europe '40 game should be next on our list of things to do…

    Extrapolating from the Global '40 game, the most likely line-up for the Europe theatre is:

    1. Germany
    2. USSR
    3. UK & Canada
    4. Italy
    5. US
    6. France

    Any thoughts as to how this will play out?

    That seems reasonable, considering the global turn order. But we can’t know for sure. Global did tweak Pacific’s turn order.

  • @Make_It_Round:

    Figuring out the turn order for Europe '40 game should be next on our list of things to do…

    Extrapolating from the Global '40 game, the most likely line-up for the Europe theatre is:

    1. Germany
    2. USSR
    3. UK & Canada
    4. Italy
    5. US
    6. France

    Any thoughts as to how this will play out?

    I don’t think the french should go last after all they did move intto Germany for like a month before the Germans invaded

  • Put italy last.

  • Well, you’re right about the Pac '40 lineup getting shifted. Kinda makes sense the Eur '40 would stay with the Global lineup, however, with the resultant Axis-Allies-Allies, Axis-Allies-Allies pattern… Although, assuming that France melts as quickly as everyone predicts it will, that symmetry will be broken fairly early in the game  :-P

  • For Europe only I like:

    1. Germany
    2. Russia
    3. Italy
    4. UK
    5. France
    6. USA

  • TripleA '12

    I am currently making a super-sized Europe '41 game and my turn order is:

    1 - Germany
    2 - Soviet Union
    3 - Italy
    4 - United Kingdom
    5 - United States

  • @Lozmoid:

    I am currently making a super-sized Europe '41 game and my turn order is:

    1 - Germany
    2 - Soviet Union
    3 - Italy
    4 - United Kingdom
    5 - United States

    Can you show us any of your work?

  • TripleA '12

    Sure, I’d love to. The map is virtually finished but I’m not entirely clear on how to post it here on this forum.

  • @Lozmoid:

    Sure, I’d love to. The map is virtually finished but I’m not entirely clear on how to post it here on this forum.

    I’ve tried attaching pictures and always get a message that they are too large. Can somebody help here?

  • TripleA '12

    Well the map is pretty big. Put it this way - it’ll print out onto 8 sheets of A3!

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Put it on mediafire, then link it here. That’s what I do. It will even thumbnail the pic in the post for you.

  • TripleA '12

    Thanks Variable, I’ll give it a try. (I made it on paint and it’s currently saved as .jpg file.)

  • Check out Reply #43 on this page:


    How do you attach a jpeg like that. I have tried an always get a message saying file to large.

  • @Yoper:


    Check out Reply #43 on this page:
    How do you attach a jpeg like that. I have tried an always get a message saying file to large.

    As it says in the Additional Options below, you must make sure the file is smaller than 256 KBs.

    Thanks Yope, I thought that maybe some people found a way around that.

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