• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Lincoln was before my original mandate of Since WWII.

    Mr. Ryan’s only impropriety was wanting to have Sex with his Wife. He just didn’t want to reveal that they attended social gatherings of an adult nature. But he didnt want to have sex with other people or let her do the same. When she said no, he dropped it.

    Bush did not personally order the destruction of ballot boxes. IF anyone did that, it would probably be Cheney. I don’t think Bush has a wicked bone in his body, he may or may not be foolish and brash, but I don’t think he has the intention of harming the US Gov’t or it’s citizens.

    Daley on the other hand, would burn the flesh off his own screaming mother if it meant he could get 4 more years in office.

  • Smith, if you get caught in a scandal, the proper thing to do is resign, or you could be like our beloved Bill, and stay in office.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think the point would be to just NOT engage in a scandle…or is that too simplistic for the Dems and Reps to do???

    Go Nader! (hey, I view it like this, if you are voting for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil, right? Why not throw your vote on a 3rd party and vote against ALL evil!)

  • because in general, third parties are extensions of special interest groups. they tend to be the extremes on both sides. id prefer a kerry to any of the third parties ive encountered, even though i hate kerry

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    You missed the point, Janus. I wasn’t voting FOR Nader, I was voting AGAINST John and George!

    No way Nader’d win, even if he was hte only candidate on the ballet.

  • I don’t know if this applies in the US or not, but in a previous federal election, i felt that:

    1. the Liberal candidate (incumbant) was out of touch with his riding,
    2. the Progressive Conservatives were not ready to lead the country and needed to ontinue to be punished for their misdeeds (also they were inappropriate for the riding)
    3. i will NEVER vote for the New Democratic Party (far too sociallistic).

    so i destroyed my ballot thereby sending a very small signal that i thought everyone sucked.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Unfortunatly, I think, that the only way to vote against a candidate in the states is to vote for another candidate. However, you may write your own name in for your vote, if you so choose.

    I used to do that on certain elections, but with the fiasco in Florida where the Dems were throwing out votes left and right because of in-complete punches, I’ve grown wary of doing this - and choose to just vote 3rd party and hedge my bets that 90% of the nation isn’t doing the same thing!

  • Jennifer,
    Well I agree. Not willing this time. Too much dangerous stuff going on to make my vote a statement for a 3rd party. The 2 party system has caused us no end of trouble. Why we would get to the place we where in four years ago where neither candidate was good. Ugh. America is huge. I find it hard to believe that Gore and W represent the best we had to offer. Kerry? He seems compotent. Great? Not yet. We can hope.

  • i maintain, the two term limit should not exist. if the people will it, than in a democracy, it should be done. bill clinton would still be in office if there were no limit, of this i am sure.

  • Bush did not personally order the destruction of ballot boxes. IF anyone did that, it would probably be Cheney. I don’t think Bush has a wicked bone in his body, he may or may not be foolish and brash, but I don’t think he has the intention of harming the US Gov’t or it’s citizens.

    Yes so b/c daley is someone you don’t like he must personally have a hand in this, but when its Bush he doesn’t. I would argue a better case could be made against Bush in Florida b/c his bro is gov there. Daley could always blame a ‘bad egg’ aid. However, in neither instances is this a valid excuse, and really just to absolve the guilty among those who would support them.

    Smith, if you get caught in a scandal, the proper thing to do is resign, or you could be like our beloved Bill, and stay in office.

    Then why don’t the republicans do this? Note that they only resign when its a sexual scandal b/c they have to. If you are the moral authority and get caught doing something immoral then you have no choice, and in fact to stay in would only damage yourself and your advocates more.

    Mr. Ryan’s only impropriety was wanting to have Sex with his Wife. He just didn’t want to reveal that they attended social gatherings of an adult nature. But he didnt want to have sex with other people or let her do the same. When she said no, he dropped it.

    No that’s a very simplistic interpretation. What I hear was he wanted to ‘swing’ and she didn’t. Of course he being the moral authority and her the corrupt hollywood neophite this could only be spun so much thereby causing the resignation.

    Daley on the other hand, would burn the flesh off his own screaming mother if it meant he could get 4 more years in office.

    And bush would probably be willing to kill or have killed another 1000 Americans. What happened to compassionate conservativism, or his ‘love’ of Americans. Oh wait he never said he loved Americans only America. So I guess he was being compassionate by giving those 1000 a quick death.

    I think the point would be to just NOT engage in a scandle…or is that too simplistic for the Dems and Reps to do???

    Go Nader! (hey, I view it like this, if you are voting for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil, right? Why not throw your vote on a 3rd party and vote against ALL evil!)

    Well there are two problems here. One is that the judgement of what is scandal is usually made by the opposition party and therefore incredibly biased, and two the most virtuous presidents have been the worst ie Hoover, Carter, and perphaps even LBJ. In recent years there have emerged journals from Lincolns earlier years involving some of his sexual escapades in Springfield as a young attorney/congressman, and were authored not by himself, but by his friends and townspeople.

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